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Older People's Engagement Network (OPEN)

Published on 20 September 2024 02:23 PM

Following the success of our age-friendly survey with Healthwatch North Tyneside, we are developing a network for older people in North Tyneside to share their views and have their voices heard.

The Older People's Engagement Network (OPEN) will help us develop our 2025 to 2030 strategy and work towards making North Tyneside an age-friendly community.

Join the network today

If you are an older person, a family member caring for an older relative or an organisation working with and representing older people across North Tyneside, we’re inviting you to join our network and help shape future support services and raise awareness.

To find out more, email Paula Bennett at

Age-friendly survey results

970 respondents across North Tyneside completed our age-friendly survey. You can download the results below to read our findings.

Who completed the age-friendly survey?

Community and healthcare



Social participation

Outdoor spaces and buildings

Respect and social inclusion

Civic participation and employment

Communication and information