Factsheets, Guides and Local Information

Information Guides and Factsheets
Age UK (national) produces Information Guides and Factsheets to give older people and their families information regarding a wide range of topics including money, legal issues, health and wellbeing, housing, care, work and learning, travel and lifestyle.
To access any of the guides or factsheets, ask at the Community Advice Hubs or visit the Age UK website.
Local Lists
Age UK Solihull also produces lists that provide details of local services and activities that we hope will be useful. They can be downloaded below.
Local Tradespeople List
Details of professionals who can help with jobs including property maintenance, plumbing, heating, electrics and gardening.
Care Home List
Care Agency List
Local domiciliary care providers, domestic help providers and meal companies.
Chiropodists and Podiatrists List
A list of Chiropodists/Podiatrists who can provide appointments at their clinics or in your own home.
Local Clubs List
Regular social clubs and activities around Solihull.
Sheltered Housing List
Holidays for Older and Disabled People
Details of some holiday companies that provide holiday packages which may be suitable for older adults. Also, holiday packages specifically designed for disabled adults.
Please note: Inclusion on these lists does not constitute a recommendation from Age UK Solihull.
Have we helped?
If you have downloaded any of our lists and have found them useful, please consider making a donation so that we can continue to help other people in Solihull.
We ask for your feedback in order to ensure that we maintain a quality information service in this regard.
For more information on this service please call 0121 709 7590 or visit us in our Community Advice Hubs.