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  1. FAW Briefing - 2021 - English.pdf

    No, all we require is your time. #FallsAwareness2021 week is taking place from July 12th to 18th and our only ask is that you take 2 minutes to talk to older people that use your service. Falls Awareness ... occurred associated with a sedentary Stay at Home message. Research undertaken by the Centre for Ageing Better and the Kings Fund, including experiences shared through the National Prudent Healthcare Falls

  2. What matters to you.docx

    Current experiencesofpeople aged50oroverinWalesThis is the fourth annual survey undertaken since 2020 by Age Cymru andthekeyorganisationsthatrepresentolderpeoplein Wales.It’s importantthatWelshGovernmentandothershearfromolder ... er people about their experiences and what matters to them.This surveywilltake15minutestocomplete.Your response is anonymous but if you want us to contact you about thesurveyyoucanincludeyourcontactdetailsattheend

  3. What matters to you.pdf

    1 This is the fourth annual survey undertaken since 2020 by Age Cymru and the key organisations that represent older people in Wales. It’s important that Welsh Government and others hear from older people ... minutes to complete. Your response is anonymous but if you want us to contact you about the survey you can include your contact details at the end of the survey. Thank you for your support in completing

  4. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    Company registration: 3186539 ‘Pressing the Right Buttons’ – New Users of the Internet at Older Ages For Age UK May 2013 ‘Pressing the Right Buttons’, May 2013 Page 2 Contents ... .......................................................................................... 45 7.2 Age UK Bradford, Publicity Article....................................................................

  5. FS6w.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 6w  July 2022 Finding help at home in Wales Factsheet 6w  July 2022 ... 6 3.2 Initial contact with the local authority and making a referral 7 3.3 Having an assessment of your needs 9 3.4 Deciding eligibility for service provision 10 3.5 If you have eligible needs 10 3.6 The

  6. CRS_Jan17_Handbook_changes_to_reflect_introduction_Lifetime_ISA.pdf

    research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square London WC1H ... WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered

  7. ID204744 Jingle Bakes_bingopack_.pdf

    donation £2 to play Age Cymru is a registered charity number: 1128436 Festive bingo Festive bingo Festive bingo Festive bingo Age Cymru is a registered charity number: 1128436 Age Cymru is a registered ... number: 1128436 Age Cymru is a registered charity number: 1128436 Age Cymru is a registered charity number: 1128436 Festive bingo Festive bingo Festive bingo Festive bingo Festive bingo Age Cymru is a registered

  8. Referral Form - Final.docx

    the person being referred Full name: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other Known as: o Male o FemaleDate of birth: Age: Carer: Yes No Address (Permanent/Temporary): Postcode: Tel no: Mobile: E-mail ... problems) Other agencies involved and contact details if available Do you consent to Age Cymru collecting and storing your personal information  Yes NoYour details will be held on a secure database and

  9. RB_Jan10_older_people’s_experiences_of_renting_privately.pdf

    Older People’s Experiences of Renting Privately A report commissioned by Age Concern and Help the Aged Julie Rugg and Karen Croucher Acknowledgements Our particular thanks go to all those people living ... The principles of a strategy for older renters 14 Conclusion 15 All rights reserved Copyright © 2010 Age UK 3 Summary and key findings Introduction While only a small minority of older people live in the

  10. Advocacy Counts 6 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    November 2018 Creating an age friendly Wales Advocacy Counts 6 A review of advocacy services for adults in Wales with a particular focus on older people Contents 1. Executive Summary 3 Findings since ... continued to shrink. This leads to gaps in provision for citizens and a “postcode lottery” of services. Age Cymru is particularly concerned that while the number of organisations providing support to older people

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