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  1. Scams and fraud

    Do you know how to avoid the latest scams targeting your money and personal data? With the help of our varied guides, we'll help you spot and avoid scams.

  2. Falls prevention

    unsteady, you should discuss this with your GP, even if you have not suffered any injury as a result and feel fine otherwise. Your GP may want to check your medication or commission tests to see if there ... the local falls prevention service for a falls risk assessment. This could include checking your eyesight, investigating any continence problems, checking your home for potential hazards and/or attending

  3. Falls Prevention

    Every year, around one in three over-65s living in the community and one in two people aged over 85 will have a fall.

  4. Intergenerational falls prevention

    could have on people, how they can support friends, relatives and loved ones to reduce their risk of falling over and think about how they can age healthily and prevent falling over in their own future.

  5. Support for scam victims

    fallen victim to a scam, it can be devastating. Scams can have serious financial and emotional consequences for victims, and can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear, and anxiety.

  6. Health improvement and prevention policy statement - Jan 2016.pdf

    Improvement and Prevention January 2016 Summary Staying well, feeling good and remaining as independent as possible are of vital importance to everyone in Wales. All older people should be supported to make ... make informed choices about maintaining and improving their health and independence. Opportunities for healthy living should be increased and barriers removed, particularly for disadvantaged older people

  7. Draft Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Strategy 2024- 2034.pdf

    Consultation response Draft Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Strategy 2024-2034 (Welsh Government) Question 1) To what extent do you agree with this vision? “People in Wales will live in communities ... the fear and stigma associated with suicide and self-harm and are empowered and supported to both seek and offer help when it is needed.” We agree that this vision offers a comprehensive and attainable

  8. Scams and Swindles 2 PDF proof English.pdf Still not enough protection for older people! Scams and swindles Registered charity 1128436 2 Creating an age friendly Wales Inside: what needs to happen ... we are helping people 9 with dementia and their carers to beat scammers Nuisance calls – action at last 10 Online threats – 11 a growing industry Justice and restoration 12 WASP – a vision to make Wales

  9. National Falls Prevention Taskforce Wales

    Chaired by Age Cymru, and Deputy Chaired by Care & Repair Cymru, the National Falls Prevention Taskforce Wales is a collaborative multi-disciplinary and multi-agency group, comprising of representatives ... representatives from all seven health boards, national and local government, public, private and third sector organisations.

  10. RB_Sept16_Age_UK_Briefing_Fraud_and_Scams.pdf

    1 Scamming and its effect on vulnerable individuals September 2016 Age UK believes that nobody should live in fear of crime; police, Government and industry should take action to prevent crimes targeted ... older people, including scams, and support victims. Key Stats  The average age of mail scam victims is 74.  Over half of people aged 65+ believe they have been a target of a scam.  An estimated 3.8

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