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  1. 1 Welcome pack for care home - volunteer guidance doc (1).pdf

    highlighted that dementia is a complex health problem – that a person with dementia may display a number of symptoms that have affected their memory, perception, behaviour, language and personality. We’ve

  2. RB_July17_Briefing_Financial_Guidance_and_Claims_Bill.pdf

    Limiting the statutory right to transfer  Making it harder to open fraudulent schemes With increasing numbers of people taking advantage of the pension flexibilities, these measures were fully supported by Age

  3. Housing policy statement March 2020.pdf

    and Human Rights Commission’s ‘Is Wales Fairer?’ 2018 report states that there is a shortage in the number of accessible and adaptable homes available in Wales, as well as long delays in making existing homes ... ageing population  Making housing more affordable and incentivising change. The report proposes a number of actions for Welsh Government, local authorities, housing associations as well as commercial house

  4. RB_July16_Older_people_and_internet_use_stats.pdf

    internet. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) publishes information each year setting out the numbers and proportions of people who use the internet.i  In the UK in 2016, 5.3 million adults have never

  5. Inquiry into Human Rights in Wales - February 2017.pdf

    already enjoys protection against age discrimination that goes further than the EU minimum, there are a number of other employment issues stemming from EU directives that Age Cymru believes should be retained

  6. RB_Sep13_supporting_older_carers.pdf

    potential role of trained volunteer delivered interventions in this area. In this report we identify a number of important issues for the provision of specialist volunteer support services for older carers of ... information for all commissioners and providers of End of Life care services in England Assessment of a number of objectives as they were implemented by the five local Age UK and one Age Concern projects sought

  7. RB_June15_Lonelines_in_later_life_evidence_review.pdf

    an individual’s subjective emotional state. Loneliness is more dependent on the quality than the number of relationships. Social isolation refers to a lack of contact with family or friends, community ... social isolation does matter as it can be a risk factor for loneliness.23 24 It also affects a large number of older people: Thirty-six per cent of people aged 65 and over in the UK feel out of touch with

  8. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    Closer to home 28 Around the world 34 Message from the Chairman and Chief Executive 2 The year in numbers 4 In 2011/12, Age UK was voted by MPs and Peers as the most influential charity in Westminster. ... so far. We organised a Care in Crisis petition with the aim of securing 100,000 signatures, the number required for a parliamentary debate to be granted. More than 130,000 people signed the petition.

  9. CRS_Dec15_Financial_Advice_Market_Review.pdf

    charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H ... thoughts on how different forms of financial advice could be categorised and described? The greater the number of sub-categories of advice, the greater the risk of consumer confusion. We therefore recommend keeping

  10. 20180816 RISCA advocacy services response.pdf

    Comments relating to the relevant questions in the consultation template are attached. We have a number of concerns about the draft regulations and draft statutory guidance and their implications for advocacy ... tools which help key stakeholders to interpret terms within the regulations, such as “sufficient” numbers of staff, which are not available in the adult advocacy sector. Our concerns are that, as currently

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