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  1. Pension Credit

    Information about the two parts of pension credit: Savings Credit and Guarantee Credit, and how much money pension credit will give you

  2. CRS_Aug12_Age_UK_response_on_Universal_Credit _Work_and_Pensions_Committee.pdf

    Age UK’s response to the Work and Pensions Committee’s inquiry into progress towards implementation of Universal Credit August 2012 Name: Sally West Email: Age UK 1-6 Tavistock ... Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 8080 F 0203 033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity

  3. RB_Sept14_Pension_receipt_in_the_UK-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    Paper 2 • September 2014 Pension receipt in the UK: are older individuals from ethnic ... Falkingham Pension receipt in later life is determined by the way in which individuals’ pension contributions and circumstances over the life course interact with eligibility rules for each type of pension. Within

  4. CRS_Nov15_Age_UK_submission_to_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_new_State_Pension_Inquiry.pdf

    submission Age UK’s evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee’s Inquiry into Understanding the new State Pension November 2015 Ref No. 4115 Age UK Tavis House ... Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity

  5. Benefits and Entitlements

    Information and advice on all the benefits that you can claim, including pension credit, council tax reduction and carers allowance

  6. CRS_Sept15_Age_UK_submission_to_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_on_benefit_delivery.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee’s Inquiry into Benefit Delivery September 2015 Ref No. 4015 Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock ... Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number

  7. CRS_Feb16_Age_UKs_Evidence_to_the_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_into_intergenerational_fairness.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK’s evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee’s Inquiry on Intergenerational Fairness February 2016 ... Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited

  8. Universal Credit

    Universal Credit is a new benefit gradually being introduced nationally. It will eventually replace a number of existing benefits.

  9. More money in your pocket

    Every year, it's estimated that more than £200m worth of Pension Credit and other state benefits goes unclaimed by older people in Wales. We can help make sure you're not missing out.

  10. IG50.pdf

    AgeUKIG50 Extra money if you’re on a low income. Pension Credit. 2 What is Pension Credit? Pension Credit is a means-tested benefit for older people. This means that what you get depends on your income ... income and your savings. There are 2 parts to Pension Credit: • Guarantee Credit – this tops up your weekly income to a guaranteed minimum level. • Savings Credit – this is a bit of extra money if you have

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