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  1. How to find the help you need at home

    The first step in obtaining help from the local authority social services department is to ask for an assessment of your needs. The local authority will generally not be able to assist you until ... its area who may need community care services, once it becomes aware of this need. Our factsheet has detailed information on the assessment process: Factsheet 41w: Social care assessments for older people

  2. Spring Newsletter 2023 v5.pdf

    That’s why we’re still encouraging people who might not have received their energy vouchers for pre-payment meters to double check and contact Age Cymru Advice for further information (see page 3). We’ve ... partners in this edition. I wanted to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of the whole team for their work in achieving the Investing in Volunteer Quality Mark and how much we value the contributions

  3. Age Cymru – Executive summary - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales.pdf

    project and Age Cymru Advice all reported worrying delays in older people being assessed by social care for their needs, as well as delays in sourcing care packages once an assessment had been completed. These ... the issue of waiting for care for older people across Wales • The local authority plans for care service recovery • The help available for older people who are currently waiting for care • What Age Cymru

  4. Advocacy Services in Bridgend.pdf

    guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ... of contact for referrals: Bridgend Voice and Choice Referring to Mental Health Mattters and People First Bridgend 0808 8010330 Mental Health TGP Cymru Independent professional advocacy for children/young

  5. Advocacy Services in Rhondda Cynon Taf.pdf

    guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ... professional advocacy for children/young people who are on the CP register,LAC, CIN or Care Leavers 0800 4703930 cwmtafmorgannwg@ Age Cymru HOPE project Support for older people (50+) and

  6. RB_Mar2014_ fear_of_Crime.pdf

    also associated with frailty. Box 1. The WHO Survey of Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE) SAGE is a collection of nationally representative household surveys for people aged 50 and over in China, Ghana ... 2008 and 2010, and include 35,125 people. More information about the SAGE survey is available at This policy brief mainly draws on two items in the questionnaire: i.

  7. Advocacy Services in Wrexham.pdf

    IPA. (Independent Professional Advocate) ASNEW - Advocacy Services North East Wales offer advocacy for carers. 01352 759332 Children and Young People ASNEW - Advocacy Services North ... advocacy for carers. 01352 759332 Learning Disability Physical disability Sensory impairment Aquired Brain Injury IMHA IMCA IPA RPR TGP Cymru Independent professional advocacy for children/young

  8. Shopping.pdf

    groceries or other essential items from the shops during this time. Here are a few basic precautions for handling shopping; 1. Follow social distancing protocol and don’t take unnecessary risks. 2. Don’t ... possible and wash their hands after touching it. 7. Remember to wash hands before and after deliveries for at least 20 seconds. 8. When out and about keep a bottle of alcohol hand sanitiser to hand. 9. Face

  9. Advocacy Services in Gwynedd and Ynys Mon.pdf

    guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ... Cymru Dementia Advocacy Support for anyone with dementia, whether they have capacity or can communicate or not. 029 2043 1555 dementiaadvocacy@ NWAAA - for people receiving supporting people

  10. age_cymru_manifesto_ENG.pdf

    Creating an age friendly WalesManifesto 2021 Who we are and what we do Age Cymru’s vision is of an age friendly Wales where everyone enjoys good health and social care, lives safely, is free from discrimination ... support and services directly to older people in the community. Rights of older people Our priority for the next Welsh Government is the promotion and protection of the rights of older people so that more

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