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  1. know_your_energy_rights.pdf

    3 How to complain to your energy provider If something does go wrong with an energy supplier, the first thing to do is contact the company as soon as you can. Explain the problem and what you would like ... get emotional and keep your anger in check - you can be assertive without being aggressive; • Don’t be embarrassed – it’s your right to complain if you’re not satisfied; • Admit your part in the problem if

  2. Rights at work

    Information about your rights in the workplace, including statutory employment rights, working time hours, holidays and sick pay.

  3. Human rights

    Human rights belong to all of us simply because we are human. They embody key values in our society such as fairness, dignity, equality and respect.

  4. Discrimination and rights

    Find out your rights and how they can protect you from discrimination.

  5. Human rights project

    Find out more about our human rights projects

  6. Advancing equality and human rights

    Advancing equality and human rights

  7. Carers Rights A4 Welsh.pdf

    Eich hawliau fel gofalwr Rydych yn ofalwr di-dâl os ydych yn gofalu, neu sy’n rhoi unrhyw gymorth neu gefnogaeth i aelodau o’r teulu, ffrindiau, cymdogion neu eraill oherwydd salwch corfforol neu feddyliol hirdymor, neu anabledd, neu broblemau sy’n ymwneud â heneiddio. Fel gofalwr, mae gennych hawliau penodol a all wneud eich bywyd ychydig yn fwy rhwydd. Mae gennych yr hawl i: • dderbyn

  8. Carers Rights A4 English.pdf

    Your rights as a carer You’re an unpaid carer if you look after, or give any help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of longterm physical or mental ill-health or disability ... growing older. As a carer, you’ve certain rights that can help make your life that bit easier. You have the right to: • receive information, advice and assistance from your Local Authority about support services

  9. Human Rights Toolkits V8.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Human Rights are Lifetime Rights Introduction Human rights are basic rights that belong to all of us simply because we’re human. They embody the key values which underpin ... Most importantly, these rights give us power and enable us to speak up and to challenge poor treatment from a public authority. As we age, we're still entitled to the same human rights that we were born with

  10. Complaints about homecare services

    the social care you have received or want to make an appeal about a decision regarding your care, you have rights which are explained here.

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