Age UK information guides and factsheets
Our information guides are short and easy to digest, giving an overview of the relevant topic. If you're looking for more in-depth information on a certain topic, our factsheets are longer and more detailed.
Information guides
On this page, we've categorised all of our information guides into the following sections:
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If you'd like to place an order for yourself, you can call our advice line on 0800 678 1602 or email us at – please include your full postal address and allow 10 days for delivery.
Our information guide index shows our full list of guides and is updated regularly with the most recent publication dates.
Money and legal
- AgeUKIG02: LGBT+ (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIG03: When someone dies (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIG05: Avoiding scams (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG21: Power of attorney (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG30: Save energy, pay less (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIG31: Wills and estate planning (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIG43: More money in your pocket (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIG45: Looking after your money (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG49: Attendance Allowance (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG50: Pension Credit (PDF, 1023 KB)
- AgeUKIG51: Thinking about end of life (PDF, 4 MB)
- AgeUKIG52: Carer's Allowance (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG53: State Pension (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG54: Council Tax Reduction (PDF, 1 MB)
- AgeUKIG57: Getting help with debt (PDF, 1 MB)
- AgeUKIG58: Universal Credit (PDF, 1 MB)
- AgeUKIL6: Equity release (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIL8: How to be an executor (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIL18: Windrush Compensation Scheme (PDF, 289 KB)
Health and wellbeing
- AgeUKIG07: Your hospital stay (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG14: Staying steady (PDF, 4 MB)
- AgeUKIG15: Bladder and bowel problems (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIG24: Healthy living (PDF, 4 MB)
- AgeUKIG27: Winter wrapped up (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG32: Bereavement (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIG47: Caring for someone with dementia (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG48: Living with dementia (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIG55: At home with dementia (PDF, 1 MB)
- AgeUKIG56: Your mind matters (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG64: Feeling lonely? (PDF, 4 MB)
- AgeUKIL1: Staying cool in a heatwave (PDF, 227 KB)
Home and care
- AgeUK01: Staying safe (PDF, 5 MB)
- AgeUKIG06: Care homes (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIL5: Care home checklist (PDF, 539 KB)
- AgeUKIG08: Housing options (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG60: Social housing (PDF, 1 MB)
- AgeUKIG61: Private renters (PDF, 1 MB)
- AgeUKIG62: Homelessness (PDF, 845 KB)
- AgeUKIG63: Homeowners (PDF, 2 MB)
- AgeUKIG13: Advice for carers (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIG17: Adapting your home (PDF, 3 MB)
- AgeUKIG23: Getting help at home (PDF, 3 MB)
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On this page, we've categorised all of our factsheets into the following sections:
Income and benefits factsheets
Our factsheet index shows our full list of factsheets and is updated regularly with the most recent publication dates.
Download the factsheet index (155 KB)
Our factsheets are also available to download in large print.
- FS5: Dental care – NHS and private treatment (PDF, 281 KB)
- FS16: Trans issues and later life (PDF, 338 KB)
- FS20: NHS continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care (PDF, 486 KB)
- FS37: Hospital discharge (PDF, 446 KB)
- FS44: NHS services (PDF, 433 KB)
- FS66: Resolving problems and making a complaint about NHS care (PDF, 332 KB)
- FS76: Intermediate care and reablement (PDF, 204 KB)
- FS1: Help with heating costs (PDF, 318 KB)
- FS2: Buying retirement housing (PDF, 338 KB)
- FS8: Council and housing association housing (PDF, 375 KB)
- FS9: Anti-social behaviour in housing (PDF, 413 KB)
- FS35: Tenancy rights – rent (PDF, 260 KB)
- FS63: Finding private rented accommodation (PDF, 270 KB)
- FS64: Specialist housing for older people (PDF, 330 KB)
- FS65: Equity release (PDF, 316 KB)
- FS67: Home improvements and repairs (PDF, 405 KB)
- FS68: Preventing evictions (PDF, 335 KB)
- FS71: Park homes (PDF, 357 KB)
- FS89: Homelessness (PDF, 433 KB)
Income and benefits
- FS12: Planning for your retirement: money and tax (PDF, 341 KB)
- FS17: Housing Benefit (PDF, 419 KB)
- FS19: State Pension (PDF, 324 KB)
- FS21: Council Tax (PDF, 245 KB)
- FS34: Attendance Allowance (PDF, 297 KB)
- FS48: Pension Credit (PDF, 353 KB)
- FS49: Social Fund, Advances of Benefit and Local Welfare Provision (PDF, 229 KB)
- FS55: Carer's Allowance (PDF, 273 KB)
- FS56: Benefits for people under State Pension age (PDF, 330 KB)
- FS61: Help with health costs (PDF, 206 KB)
- FS74: Challenging welfare benefit decisions (PDF, 312 KB)
- FS75: Dealing with debt (PDF, 299 KB)
- FS87: Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance (PDF, 326 KB)
- FS91: Pension Freedom and benefits (PDF, 282 KB)
- FS92: Universal Credit (PDF, 396 KB)
- FS7: Making a will (PDF, 215 KB)
- FS14: Dealing with an estate (PDF, 386 KB)
- FS22: Arranging for someone to make decisions on your behalf (PDF, 351 KB)
- FS25: Returning from abroad (PDF, 363 KB)
- FS43: Getting legal and financial advice (PDF, 408 KB)
- FS62: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (PDF, 431 KB)
- FS72: Advance decisions, advance statements and living wills (PDF, 269 KB)
- FS78: Safeguarding older people from abuse and neglect (PDF, 433 KB)
- FS79: Equality, discrimination and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PDF, 288 KB)
Social care
- FS6: Finding help at home (PDF, 295 KB)
- FS10: Paying for permanent residential care (PDF, 331 KB)
- FS24: Personal budgets and direct payments in social care (PDF, 350 KB)
- FS29: Finding, choosing and funding a care home (PDF, 331 KB)
- FS38: Property and paying for residential care (PDF, 369 KB)
- FS39: Paying for care in a care home if you have a partner (PDF, 292 KB)
- FS40: Deprivation of assets in social care (PDF, 228 KB)
- FS41: How to get care and support (PDF, 441 KB)
- FS42: Disability equipment and home adaptations (PDF, 415 KB)
- FS46: Paying for care and support at home (PDF, 317 KB)
- FS58: Paying for short-term and temporary care in a care home (PDF, 237 KB)
- FS59: How to resolve problems and complain about social care (PDF, 383 KB)
We're here to help
We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local Age UKs.