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Age Champions

Standing up for older people

This general election we’re calling on all Prospective Parliamentary Candidates to pledge to become an Age Champion, if elected, and speak up for the needs and concerns of older people in the next Parliament.

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What are Age Champions?

We have a rapidly growing ageing population so it’s more important than ever for older people’s voices to be championed and heard in Parliament.

Age Champion MPs commit to championing their older constituents and older people in Parliament by doing one, or more of the following:

  • supporting Age UK’s work in Parliament in a range of ways; speaking up in debates, tabling Parliamentary Questions or writing to Ministers
  • joining the APPG on Ageing and Older People
  • sharing Age UK’s information with your constituents
  • supporting and promoting Age UK’s campaigns
  • ensuring your constituents can reach you in a range of ways, not just online
  • committing to visiting your local Age UK or engaging with an older person’s forum in your local constituency once a year
  • speaking up for older people across the world by supporting the work of Age International.

How we will support you to be an Age Champion

  • We will work with Age Champion MPs to ensure that you receive regular updates on the issues affecting older people and how you can help support older people in your constituency, nationally and worldwide.
  • Policy analysis and statistics to support your work including conversations with our policy experts.
  • Information for your older constituents, with help from Age UK’s advice team to support your casework.
  • A bespoke area profile and statistics on the challenges facing older people living in your constituency.
  • Support drafting Parliamentary Questions and speeches on issues affecting older people.

How do I sign up to be an Age Champion?

To sign up to be an Age Champion please complete the form below. If you have any questions about being an Age Champion, don’t hesitate to get in touch at

Sign up to become an Age Champion

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Last updated: Jul 10 2024

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