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Age UK Stockport is a local registered charity and all our efforts and resources are used for the benefit of people within the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport. Age UK Stockport is a fully independent local registered charity (Charity Number: 1139547) and also a company limited by guarantee (Company Number: 7413632)

Every day we live we get older, it’s just a fact! This adventure is often compared with a journey. Some people come to unfamiliar junctions along that road through changes in their health, bereavement and any number of other situations frequently not foreseen and sometimes unimagined in earlier years. Sometimes the road just gets a little bumpy but enough to take the pleasure away from everyday living. Wherever older people are on that journey our ambition is to be a point of contact to provide or point to whatever assistance is required.

The following diagram sets out what we are about:


AUKS Mission Vision and Values

Age UK Stockport are commited to a Net Zero emssions by 2050. Our plan to achieve this can be found below.

Age UK Stockport 2050 Net Zero Plan