Wanstead Activity Centre Cook
Wanstead Activity Centre Cook
Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering offers an activity centre to residents of Redbridge aged 55 or above, to use for exercise and craft among other classes, and to enjoy light refreshments and a daily, 2 course, freshly prepared lunch.
A part time cook is required to provide lunches (main course and dessert) and work alongside a small team to include; two other part time cooks and approximately 12 volunteers. The centre is overseen by an onsite manager who will look after the day to day running of the centre, and who line manages the cooks and volunteers.
The ability to work independently and with the help of a kitchen assistant volunteer is essential in order to prepare between 10 and 30 meals per day. We are looking for a qualified, experienced cook, with recent experience. You will need to have proof of relevant Food Hygiene training and an understanding of different dietary requirements, as well as allergy legislation and health and safety knowledge relevant to Kitchen work.
You would be expected to assist the manager in planning meals to keep within budgets and to assist with the preparation for special event occasion menus or other ad hoc catering that may be required.
Salary: £13.15 per hour
Working Hours: Part Time 4 hours per week on a zero hours’ contract
Days Required: Mondays Only 10am – 2pm. An ability to cover additional hours for annual leave or other absence would be preferable.
Interview Date: A.S.A.P.
Call Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering on 0208 220 6000 for an application pack and leave your name, telephone number and address and a pack will be sent out or email : admin@ageukrbh.org.uk
Alternatively, you can download the forms below
Application Form (Electronic Version)