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Age UK Plymouth service

Helen Turner has many years experience delivering Chiropody and podiatry and holds qualifications in delivering various treatments including Reflexology
- Hygiene Routine
- assess Feet
- nail trimming, filing, shaping
- nail care and…

The William and Patricia Venton Centre

Will Writing

Age UK Plymouth service

Having an up-to-date Will is the only way to be sure the people and causes you care about are looked after. With Bequeathed you can make a start on your Will For Good immediately. Just go online any time that suits you, register and complete the…

The William and Patricia Venton Centre

Plymouth Community Cancer Champions

Age UK Plymouth service

We’re here to support people living with cancer, their friends, families and support network at every stage of their journey.

The William and Patricia Venton Centre

Forget Me Nots

Age UK Plymouth service

Join us at The William and Patricia Venton Centre in Mount Gould every Tuesday for this group designed for those in the early stages of dementia to enjoy.

10:00AM - 15:00

The William and Patricia Venton Centre

Computer Training

Age UK Plymouth service

Learn how to use your digital devices such as smart phones, computers and tablets with the help of our volunteers. We offer free one hour sessions for all people over 50 to help learn how to use digital devices.

The William and Patricia Venton Centre

Regi-mental Wellbeing for Veterans

Age UK Plymouth service

Counselling and wellbeing support for Veterans over the age of 50 living and working in the city of Plymouth.

The William and Patricia Venton Centre

Wellbeing Hub

Age UK Plymouth service

The Mount Gould Wellbeing Hub located at Age UK Plymouth’s William and Patricia Venton Centre is part of Plymouth’s wider network of Wellbeing Hubs. The Hub, designed to focus on making access to services easier for the community will have four main…

The William and Patricia Venton Centre

Home Energy Checks

Age UK Plymouth service

Age UK Plymouth can offer free Home Energy Checks to people over the age of 65 who are finding it difficult to keep their homes warm or are suffering from cold-related ill health. During this visit you will be given simple tips on how to save energy…

The William and Patricia Venton Centre


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