Will Writing Service
Having an up-to-date Will is the only way to be sure the people and causes you care about are looked after. With Bequeathed you can make a start on your Will For Good immediately. Just go online any time that suits you, register and complete the online Will interview.
If you need help you can search hundreds of guidance articles, use online chat or book a support call and you’ll receive online legal advice tailored to your circumstances. This will be in the form of recommendations, and sometimes requirements, from Bequeathed’s in-house Solicitor.
As long as a free basic Will is suitable for your circumstances, you can choose the convenience of having your Will delivered straight to your inbox.
However you choose to complete it, you’ll receive your Will along with instructions on signing it correctly in front of witnesses. You’ll also receive a Letter of Advice summarising everything you’ve been told, and setting out what your Will does and doesn’t do.
Please consider either making a one off donation or leaving a gift to Age UK Plymouth when you make your Will For Good. Your generosity will help us to carry on our vital work long into the future.
Visit bequeathed.org/ageukplymouth now to start making your Will.
How can we help?
Free Will Writing Service
In partnership with Bequeathed Will writing service we are able to offer a free, convenient service that allows you to make the right Will for your needs in the way that suits you best, always with good legal advice.
Is it really free?!
Yes! You can can access our will writing service for free, we ask for a suggested donation of £100, less than half the price of a basic online will to help us continue to offer this service.
Will writing checklist
Check you've got everything prepared ready to put your wishes in writing.
Will writing for your employees
Find out more about how we can support your workforce with our will writing service. Questions? Email us at fundraising@ageukplymouth.org.uk