Volunteer of the Year Awards

Published on 26 May 2023 02:58 PM
This May volunteers from Age UK Plymouth joined supporters and contributors volunteering for organsiations city wide at a Celebration Evening hosted by National Marine Aquarium.
An award ceremony was held with almost 200 people in attendance and volunteers from Age UK Plymouth were nominated for several categories:
Biggest Heart: Carole Bough, Reception
Biggest Smile: Damion Skelly, Catering
Dedicated to the cause: Nicola Squance, Reception
Longest Service: Jane Parsons, Dementia Day Centre
Congratulations to our nominees and a heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers that attended representing charities from across the community.
A panel from the National Marine Aquarium also selected an overall Volunteer of the Year and we are delighted to announce the winner was our very own Pete Pritchard...
Plymouth's Volunteer of the Year
PETE PRITCHARD, Volunteer IT Trainer
Pete is our IT volunteer and he helps those who need support with their digital skills. As we all know the pandemic saw people become more and more isolated and we have seen as a result a huge increase in the number of people who want to improve their IT skills in order to communicate. Pete, has been with the charity for a number of years and has helped many people and so much so he now has a waiting list! Pete has increased his volunteering hours and is working with us an extra day a week to ensure people are not waiting and are receiving the vital service they need. He provides a lifeline for many people particularly as we move into a time where technology is used more than ever. He is an incredibly valued member of the volunteer team and all his work is hugely appreciated by the entire team at the charity. Thank you Pete for all you do and this award is incredibly well deserved.
"I just want to give a massive thank you to all of our volunteers from myself, Tara, Wendy and the team, you all do an incredible job in supporting the staff team and of course most importantly our clients - and we really couldn’t do what we do without your support.
Thanks so much…and well done again Pete!"
- David Wood, CEO, Age UK Plymouth
Want to know more?
There are a huge range of opportunities to volunteer with Age UK Plymouth from catering to admin, driving and supporting in the day centre. You'd be amazed at the huge range of transferable skills and previous experience that our volunteers bring to Age UK Plymouth.