Virutal Aquarium visits Day Centres

Published on 23 February 2023 10:15 AM
Clients at Age UK Plymouth’s Day Centres have been enjoying the amazing animals who live at the National Marine Aquarium thanks to The Ocean Conservation Trust, the charity that runs the Aquarium. Thanks to funding from SDS Solutions, The Ocean Conservation Trust have been able to connect people to the Ocean no matter their age or where they live with their Virtual Reality programme.
The programme sees the organisation’s dedicated team of Ocean Discovery Rangers working with people from all walks of life, giving them an immersive ocean experience, with the help of innovative VR technology.
The Virtual Ocean programme has been running since 2019, and has seen the ocean be explored in hospitals, care homes and day centres across the UK. Thanks to SDS Solutions, The Ocean Conservation Trust have been able to run free visits with Age UK Plymouth at both their Day Centre and Dementia Day Centre.

“Connectedness with nature is an important part of human life. No matter what people’s background, they deserve the same chance to enjoy the ocean as anyone else,” said Freyja Thomson-Alberts, Public and Community Engagement Coordinator at Ocean Conservation Trust.
“Our visit in February to the Day Centre at the William and Patricia Venton Centre was incredible! We loved sharing our knowledge with the group, and hearing about their stories with the ocean. A particular highlight was seeing the huge smiles underneath the headsets as people got to see our turtle, Friday, as they were exploring our tanks at the Aquarium. We can’t wait to visit the Dementia Day Centre in March!”
“The clients at the day centre were thoroughly engaged by the VR visit from Plymouth National Marine Aquarium experience!” said Rowella Brace, Day Centre Supervisor at Age UK Plymouth. “Clients and staff had a chance to watch the virtual aquarium through the VR headsets which was a new experience for most, and received with intrigue and interest.
“Freja also brought along shark jaws, a turtle shell, mermaids purses, some crabs and lobster shells, and engaged us with facts and stories about life under the ocean, including how some sharks can live for 500 years!
“It was an unforgettable experience for the clients at the day centre, we are so grateful that we had the opportunity to enjoy such a fascinating and enjoyable session.”
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