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Age UK Plymouth release results of client survey

Published on 25 January 2023 12:26 PM

Team thank service users for invaluable feedback into charity’s impact in the community.

Age UK Plymouth are celebrating a fantastic set of results following a series of annual client satisfaction surveys undertaken at the end of 2022. The report sees high levels of satisfaction across various departments including the charity’s Information and Advice team, Hospital Discharge Service, Help at Home Community Support Service and Veterans Projects overseen by the organisation’s Wellbeing Hub.

Amongst the feedback was praise for the inclusive approach of the charity with the carer of a client of the Hospital Discharge service stating, “The help we received was a godsend - it meant I could go out and go to the bank, shops, meet a friend etc knowing that my partner had someone kind, busy and chatty with him (who also cleaned the house!) Marvellous!”

The results come at the end of a huge year for the charity which not only celebrated it’s 80th year but also opened a Short Term Care Centre in partnership with Plymouth City Council and LiveWell South West, launched Mount Gould’s specialist over 50s Wellbeing Hub and has successfully secured £1.4 million of funding to Plymouth residents year to date.

“As a people centric charity, it’s integral for us to measure our performance in terms of how we are fulfilling our commitment to working in the community to support over 50s, and create a city where people love later life,” said Rich Masters, Head of Operations. “We have a duty of care to ensure that our services are providing a safe and nurturing environment for our clients, where they feel valued and heard. We strive to continue delivering valuable and necessary services, in tune with the social landscape and that those who we support find us an accessible organisation who treat people with dignity and respect. The feedback of our clients is one of our greatest key indicators in measuring this performance and thanks go out to all those who completed the survey and continue to feedback to us, helping us build a set of services that are an integral part of care and community in the city of Plymouth.”

Amongst the results the recently launched Hospital Discharge Service, only in place since the summer found that 100% of those asked believe that the support gave them more confidence in returning home, 100% found staff to be kind, caring and respectful and around two thirds said that the service allowed them to be discharged home from hospital earlier than initially thought.

The Information and Advice team who recently had their work accredited by the ASA (Advice Services Alliance) had a similar level of success with one client stating: “I had the best care advice I could have ever needed. Polite, caring, interested in my needs, have been amazing. Thank you for all your help, you are all very special people.” In fact, 100% went on to say that they would recommend the service and stated that the outcome of their enquiry was successful, with 93% strongly agreeing and 7% agreeing that their advisor displayed a good level of knowledge.

To find out more about working in partnership with Age UK Plymouth or to talk about how your group or organisation can work with or support the charity please email