For professionals

People can choose to use whichever services they want as no professional referral is needed to access them. However, if you feel your client cannot self refer, you can use one of the following forms and we will be in contact.
Our Services
- Adult Day Centre
- Dementia Day Centre
- Forget Me Nots
- Information & Advice
- Hairdressing
- Footcare
- Hospital Discharge Service
- Befriending
- Regimental Wellbeing for Veterans
- Computer Training
- Activities & Events at our Wellbeing Hub
- Home Energy Checks
- Supported Will Writing
Activities and Events
- Community Cuppa
- Jolly Elders
- Veterans Sticky Bun Morning
- Veterans Brunch
- Veterans Games Club
- Pain Management Clinics
- Walking Football
- Cancer Support Cafe's
- Information & Advice Drop in Clinic
- Housing Advice Drop in Clinic
Hospital Discharge Referrals
Hospital Discharge Service
Find out about what support we can offer with our flexible and free short term service.
All Other Referrals
Our Services
Browse all the services we provide for over 50s, those living with dementia and their carers in Plymouth.
All Other Services Referral Form
Make a client referral into our services (excluding Hospital Discharge).
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