Celebrate Grandparent's Day at School

This coming Autumn, Age UK Norfolk is inviting your school to think about grandparents, great-grandparents and those older people special to you, just in time to celebrate Grandparent’s Day (Sunday 5th October)!
Age UK Norfolk are encouraging primary schools across Norfolk to learn about people in later life in our county, how local charity, Age UK Norfolk is supporting them, ways for children to explore how Whole School British values relate to older people and to engage in intergenerational activities with important older people in their lives.
We are hoping that your school can schedule an assembly or class lesson focussed on older people you know, around the first or second week in October 2024 to coincide with Grandparents Day in the UK. We’ve prepared some handy follow on activities with downloadable work sheets which you may find useful.
How these activities relate to the curriculum
- Whole School British Values. Promoting Respect for Others (through Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development)
- Foundation Stage. Understanding the World-Past and Present, People Culture and Communities
- KS1. PSHE- People who help us
- KS1. History - Changes within living memory and significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
- KS1. Geography - Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to: key physical features and key human features
- KS2. PSHE- Social Development through topics such as Families and Friendships, Respecting Ourselves and Others, Belonging to a Community.
- KS2. PSHE - Economic Education through talking about fundraising and the role of charities in society.
- KS2. History- A local history study
- KS2. Geography- Use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods.
If you would like any help getting started or would like to share your celebrations with us, please email fundraising@ageuknorfolk.org.uk.