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Beat the boredom with knitting

Published on 28 April 2020 02:21 PM

Every year, we ask our supporters to knit tiny hats for us. These hats go on the top of Innocent Smoothies which you may have seen on sale throughout the Winter. For every hat you knit and send to us, Age UK Leeds gets 25p donated. Not only will the money this raises help us support more lonely older people next Winter but it will give us all something to do during lockdown. There are patterns for every level of knitter starting with quick and easy patterns for beginners, just click here:


Please keep your hats safely at home for now and once lock down is over, you can contact us on or 0113 39893000 to arrange to get them to us. Please note, the only way to make sure the money raised helps local people here in Leeds is by donating them to Age UK Leeds and not by dropping them at a charity shop or posting elsewhere.


Thank you for your support.