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New CEO appointment

Published on 04 February 2019 10:35 AM

Age UK Leeds has appointed Iain Anderson as the new Chief Executive Officer. Iain will take over from Heather O’Donnell with effect from 25 March 2019.

Iain is currently the Age UK Leeds Operations Director a role that he has held since April 2018. In addition the experience of leading the city-wide services provided by Age UK Leeds, Iain has over 26 years experience of working within the Probation Service, including a period leading a national change programme whilst on secondment within the Ministry of Justice.

‘I am delighted to be given the opportunity to lead Age UK Leeds. Heather will be a hard act to follow; under her leadership Age UK Leeds has established itself as a highly valued and respected third sector provider of services to older people across Leeds. I am fortunate therefore to have the opportunity to lead an organisation with an established positive reputation, with a highly skilled staff group, a vibrant and active group of volunteers.’ Iain Anderson

“Iain will make an excellent leader of our great staff and volunteer team, who continue to work hard to help make Leeds the best city in which to grow old”. Barry Seal, Chair Age UK Leeds