
Age UK Enfield relies on volunteers to help us offer vital services in the local community. Would you like to lend a hand?
Volunteering roles with Age UK Enfield
Information & Advice
You will assist older people to complete a range of different forms and online applications. Training, induction and support will be provided.
Finance Trustee To Treasurer
We are seeking a senior financial person to join the Board with the view to becoming the Treasurer at a later date.
Enfield Wellbeing Network
To offer a time limited connection with an allocated person/or persons to encourage and motivate them to participate in community activities, exercise, and workshops. With an aim to encourage a person to independently continue to access and improve health & wellbeing measured through their support plan.
Volunteering with Age UK Enfield is both enjoyable and rewarding. To read more about volunteering, the possibilities and details on how to apply, please click on the relevant links below.
Volunteering Newsletter December 2024
Volunteering Newsletter October 2024
Why volunteer?
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and support the work we do in the community.
Who can volunteer?
Almost anyone over the age of 18 can be a volunteer. We have a wide range of roles which suit different people and different skills.
How much time do I need to give?
It depends on the volunteer role you are interested in. Some people give an hour a week, other people do more.
What else you can do to support us
Take part in a fundraiser
Could you help us to raise vital funds by taking part in a fundraising event? We have regular events such as sponsored walks, but you could also do your own fundraiser like a cake sale.
Get your colleagues involved
Could you talk to your colleagues or your employer about how you can support us? We have lots of ideas for how organisations can get involved, including sponsoring an event, making us Charity of the Year, or donating equipment.