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Falls Prevention classes around Derbyshire

To download a list of Live Stronger for Longer classes, click on the links below for each area.

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Area Date last updated
Amber Valley 13.01.25
Bolsover 13.01.25
Chesterfield 13.01.25
Derbyshire Dales 13.01.25
Erewash 13.01.25
Glossop 13.01.25
High Peak 13.01.25
North East Derbyshire 13.01.25
South Derbyshire


Zoom classes


Class quality

All LSFL Classes have to be approved and accredited, and are monitored regularly to ensure they remain at the right standard.

What to wear

Wear comfortable lose fitting clothes and sensible footwear like your normal walking shoes.

Social Engagement

At most of our classes refreshments are served at the end of the session. This gives time for social interaction with other participants.

Types of classes:

Chair Based Exercises (CBE)

These sessions are predominantly seated, but may include some optional standing exercises. If you are new to exercise and or feel that you are unsteady on your feet then these are the sessions for you.

Chair Based Exercises, including Otago

These sessions involve both CBE and some supported standing exercises using light ankle weights to improve lower body strength and balance. If you are generally steady on your feet or feel you need to progress from just seated exercises then these are the sessions for you.

Otago Exercise Programme

These classes include mainly standing strength and balance exercises using light ankle weights to improve lower body strength and balance with the possibility of some seated strength work. If you are steady on your feet or have completed a falls prevention session within your local falls clinic then these would be the sessions to choose.

Postural Stability Group (PSG)

These classes include mainly standing strength and balance exercises with the possibility of some seated strength work. Exercises, including coping strategies and functional floor work will be included to help you return to your feet should you have a fall. If you are steady on your feet, have good mobility and have completed a falls prevention course within your local falls clinic then these would be the sessions to choose.

Tai Chi

T'ai chi is a Chinese exercise system that uses slow, smooth body movements to achieve a state of relaxation of both body and mind.
This is great for increasing your strength and balance. However, if you have previously had a fall, please get advice from the instructor to see if the class is suitable for you.

Exercises at home

To help you keep active at home, our LSFL team have put together a series of short videos with simple exercises to help improve your mobility, cardiovascular fitness, balance, strength and flexibility.

Watch the Live Stronger for Longer film which shows how the service can make a difference.


Falls Prevention advice and activities

National recommendations from the Department of Health state that, as we get older, in order to get the health benefits of being active we should do the following:

  • Aim to be active daily and try to do at least 2.5 hours of moderate intensity activity a week
  • Do exercises to improve the strength of our muscles and bones.
  • Do exercises to help improve our balance and coordination.
  • Strength and balance is considered to be one of the biggest interventions in reducing the risk of falls.

All of the Live Stronger for Longer classes will include exercises to help you achieve these objectives. All of the staff working to deliver these sessions are well qualified and have been approved by the Falls Activity Advisors.

photo (c) KFD Creative Solutions 2014

Useful documents to download

The documents below gives loads of tips and advice on how to stay independent and things you can do to prevent falls. Includes exercises and how to get up correctly if you do fall. Also included are recent reports and evaluations.