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  1. CRS_Nov17_DfT_accessibility_action_plan.pdf

    consulted during the development of the AAP and we back the majority of recommendations and actions set out in the consultation. At the same time we have concerns about some of the contradictions in the AAP ... hospital appointments within a reasonable time, in a comfortable, dignified and affordable way, as set out in our recent report ‘Painful Journeys’ There should be shared responsibility between the DfT and the

  2. Inquiry into Human Rights in Wales - February 2017.pdf

    Disability Discrimination Act was also replaced and strengthened by the Equality Act. 2. However, if EU legislation were to be removed or disapplied there would be nothing to prevent a future UK Government ... protected by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. However, they would be affected if they could no longer rely on the European Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFR) which in particular includes

  3. Age at Work

    Webinars Age-Inclusive Business Review Age-Inclusive Employer Toolkit Age-Inclusive Learning Network Find out how Age Cymru and Business in the Community can support your business to be more age inclusive Mid-Career ... recommendations for good practice that can be utilised and applied to all staff, regardless of age. If your business would like a free e-copy of the Age Inclusive Toolkit, please complete this simple form

  4. CRS_April16_cms_energy_market_investigation.pdf

    people every year, providing support, advice and companionship for older people who need it most. We run programmes to help people keep warm in winter, including support to shop around and switch energy supplier ... offers and switch.  In the context of the move towards principles-based regulation, Ofgem should set out a clear and robust plan for how it will police supplier behaviour and enforce good practice.

  5. Scams information hub February 2016.pdf

    Scams information hub February 2016 Worst scams in 2015 Top five scams to look out for in 2016 Watch out for fraudsters harvesting signatures on your doorstep    Telephone scam Fraudsters claiming to

  6. Unpaid carers.pdf

    support. It might help the person you’re supporting to connect with other carers – Carers Wales are running a Care for a Cuppa every Wednesday where carers can meet virtually for a coffee and a chat: See: ... emergency plan – for them and all those they look after. Having a plan in place can help ease their worries if they aren’t able to care for those they look after at any point in the future. You could support the

  7. RB_June14_CPA_Outcomes_prevention_monitoring.pdf

     joint health and social care  • personalisation, e.g. personal care budgets    Allen and Glasby point out that 'the evidence remains under‐developed', for the variables often complicate calculations about outcomes ... ctivity in older age, for example, may well be considered successful, in terms of direct  effects, if levels of physical activity are increased, but physical activity is not an end in itself.  The rea

  8. RB_June15_Lonelines_in_later_life_evidence_review.pdf

    people ....................................................................................... 9 5 What works? .......................................................................................... ... ........................................................................................... 14 6 What are the challenges and barriers? ................................................................

  9. Age Cymru response Bereavement Care in Wales 17th May 2021 .pdf

    clear who this bereavement framework is for and why it has been developed? YES If the answer is no please tell us below what can we do to achieve this? Age Cymru welcomes the development of a framework to ... within health and social care services.1 The older LGBT community have lived through times when coming out may result in a range of serious negative repercussions, including criminalization, through prejudice

  10. Chris Collins

    deliver qigong classes for older people What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? I volunteer with a number of organisations – keeps me off the streets. What do you enjoy most about your volunteering ... volunteering experience? Delivering Tai Chi to people that enjoy and benefit from the experience. What would you say to someone who is thinking of becoming involved with volunteering? Do it! You’ll enjoy

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