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  1. RB_Oct13_Age_UK_End_of_Life_Evidence_Review.pdf

    Introduction We are all going to die someday, but many of us seem to have a lot of fear around the process. For example, in one recent survey the top four out of seven fears people admitted to were around death1: ... and those with life-threatening acute conditions.2 End of life care covers any support and treatment for those nearing death, and includes palliative care. ‘Palliative care’ has been defined by NICE as:

  2. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 5 E FINAL.pdf

    Independent advocacy is a vital service for individuals to ensure that the person (and their well-being outcomes) is placed at the centre of the work of support services. Independent advocacy gives citizens ... Advocacy Counts 5. The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 defines advocacy as a right for all individuals in Wales in certain circumstances including (but not exclusively) assessment, care

  3. CRS_May12_CLG_inquiry_response_cllr_community.pdf

    Communities and Local Government Committee inquiry - Councillors and the community 23 May 2012 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational ... educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Name: Gemma Bradshaw Email: Age UK 1-6 Tavistock

  4. CRS_June16_secondary_annuity_market_proposed_rules_and_guidance.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... consultation This Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) consultation is for establishing the rules and regulations governing the new secondary market for annuities. It covers a range of behavioural and consumer protection

  5. Welsh Manifesto.pdf

    nillad.” Bill Mae Bill, sy’n siarad Cymraeg, yn 82 mlwydd oed ac yn byw mewn dinas. Cafodd Bill brofedigaeth yn ddiweddar ac mae ei deulu’n byw yn rhy bell i ffwrdd i ymweld yn rheolaidd. Mae Bill yn aelod ... gymuned wythnosol i wella ei sgiliau cyfrifiadurol. Er gwaethaf ei holl weithgareddau dyddiol, pan fydd Bill yn mynd adref a chau’r drws bob nos, mae’n teimlo’n unig. Nid yw eisiau siarad â’i deulu am ei deimladau

  6. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    falls prevention services 8 Examples of falls prevention services 12 Recommendations 21 Where to go for more information 22 Contents 2 Falls represent the most frequent and serious type of accident in people ... even the most minor fall can be catastrophic for an older person’s physical and mental health. Fear of falling again, among older people and those who care for them, reduces quality of life and well-being

  7. Age Cymru response - Social Prescribing Framework October 2022.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Developing a Social Prescribing Framework Welsh Government October 2022 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales ... strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We provide information and advice to older people and carers; support through our Helping Others Participate

  8. CRS_May14_EHRC_consultation_age-supplement_2014.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... Equality Act 2010 with implications for those who provide and use services. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has been given power to enforce the law, for example, by assisting or intervening

  9. BT’s Digital Switchover – Q & A

    that will need replacing, will BT cover the cost?   Unfortunately, not. The customer must pay for the new handset. However, 99% of phones will work on the digital platform.   How long will ... one hour's worth of back-up.  However, BT provides up to four hours of back up via a battery for some vulnerable people.    What will happen to those people who live in areas with poor broadband

  10. Age Cymru Social Care Workforce Consultation October 2021.pdf

    workforce strategy for health and social care. This, along with other linked developments should help increase the number of staff recruited to work in this field, improve wellbeing, and help retain others ... We welcome the Welsh Government’s commitment to ensure that all care workers receive a Real Living Wage within the term of this Senedd. This development will be a main driver for improvements in health

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