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  1. FS87.pdf

    process for reassessing existing DLA claimants for PIP and explains what to do for both benefits if you have a change of circumstance. If you are over State Pension age and have care needs, you may be able ... sometimes change during the year. The information in this factsheet is applicable in England and Wales. If you are in Northern Ireland, please contact Age NI for information. Scotland: The information in this

  2. Carers policy position - November 2016.pdf

    being trapped in avoidable circumstances of poor health and financial deprivation, with energy and money having been devoted to those for whom they care. ... able to make towards meeting those needs should be shown in the care plan, as should contingency plans if the carer is not in a position to continue to provide care for whatever reason. A carer should not

  3. CRS_June16_Ofcom_call_for_evidence_on_broadband_USO.pdf

    including shopping, banking, and communicating with family, while others are sporadic users carrying out limited functions. ii. Using the internet for these vital tasks is especially important for people ... implementation of a USO, to enable older people – including in remote areas – to reliably and quickly carry out essential functions. 3 iv. We strongly support the introduction of social tariffs and/or price caps

  4. Conversation resource - English.pdf

    In 2020 Age Cymru began a Welsh Government funded project called Tell Me More to find out how care home residents have been during the difficult period of the pandemic. Residents from all-across Wales ... human needs3 and central to this process is belonging, achieved through connection. When we talk, what really connects us is knowing we’re being heard. Not just audibly, but in a way that shows empathy

  5. Moving abroad or returning to the UK to live

    website for further information on the following: Advice about living abroad Find out about paying tax if you live abroad If you wish to keep your right to vote, register your move with the UK Electoral Commission ... back to the UK. In the time you’ve been away there may be changes in the UK you need to prepare for. If you’re a British national, you’ll be able to return to the UK to live, but it could take a few months

  6. Fundraising promise

    under review and we will work with others with the aim of improving practice across the charity sector. If you have any questions or concerns about this, or any aspect of our work, please don’t hesitate to ... tell the truth and we will not exaggerate We will do what we say we are going to do with donations we receive We will be clear about who we are and what we do We will give a clear explanation of how you can

  7. NHS continuing healthcare (NHS CHC)

    What is NHS CHC? NHS CHC is a package of care arranged and funded solely by the NHS to meet physical and/or mental health needs that have arisen because of disability, accident or illness. It can ... being reviewed via a care needs assessment by the local authority social services department. If your physical or mental health deteriorates significantly and your current level of care – at

  8. End of life issues

    Planning for the end of your life is a very sensitive and personal experience. It’s important you do what feels right for you, when it feels right. But being well informed can help you feel more in control ... conversations can be hard but the following suggestions may help: Let your family know ahead of time what you want to discuss so the conversation doesn't take them by surprise Choose a time and place where

  9. One_Digital_Phase_1_Evaluation-Full_Report.pdf

    Digital Learning from the Age UK Project Vinal K Karania (Research Manager), December 2016 BACKGROUND WHAT IS ONE DIGITAL? • Big Lottery-funded venture led by a partnership of Digital Unite, Affinity Sutton ... at BACKGROUND WHAT IS THE AGE UK ONE DIGITAL PROJECT? • Aim: understand if Digital Champions are an effective approach to motivate older people

  10. CRS_July15_Older_peoples_independence_and_mental_wellbeing.pdf

    As part of this, stakeholders have been invited to comment on the provisional recommendations set out in the draft guideline (available online here). Age UK welcomes this guideline as a positive contribution ... comments Name: Léa Renoux Organisation: Age UK Section number Indicate section number or ‘general’ if your comment relates to the whole document Page Number Comments Please insert each new comment

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