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  1. CRS_Nov15_NHS_Mandate_2016_17.pdf

    such as hearing aid provision and cataract surgery have already reduced in recent years. See for example North Staffordshire CCG that has recently changed eligibility for hearing aids. Such decisions can

  2. RB_2012_Equalities_Evidence_Review_Moriarty.pdf

    falling. Others may see the need to attend classes, make modifications to their home, or use mobility aids as a sign that they are becoming dependent. Older people do not reject falls prevention advice because ... these settings will be registered or authorised to provide personal care (for instance, help with bathing or going to the toilet) and others not. As a further complication, while many current changes are

  3. RB_Sept16_Attendance_Allownace_ survey_report.pdf

    People mentioned help with the cost of an alarm system, aids for daily living and adaptions to the home. Would no longer be able to buy safety aids, things that would help in everyday living, things that ... that would make day to day living more manageable. (Female 70-79) Deaf aids, orthopaedic chair. (Male 80-89) Assistance to fix external rails and building steps to front and rear doors. (Male 80-89) Only

  4. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_LGBT.pdf

    Internationally there has been evidence of lower life expectancy in LGB populations, both as a result of HIV/AIDS and more recently from other causes.7,8 Despite this, the Integrated Household survey in 2010, reported ... findings are consistent with the findings of many previous surveys. 15,16 HIV and AIDS are becoming increasingly manageable and have changed from being quickly fatal to being long term

  5. RB_Sep13_supporting_older_carers.pdf

    provide care for 50 hours per week or more, undertaking more intensive care-giving tasks such as bathing, dressing, toileting and medication. The extent of this informal care-giving has been estimated ... accessible room. June 2012, LDS Volunteer relationship established trust and acceptance, leading to further aids and adaptations being accepted in the home.3 Assistance to register the death of a cared-for family

  6. CRS_Sept14_CMA_residential_property_management_services.pdf

    need for better regulation.  The CMA should review progress on the role of managing agents in aiding disabled leaseholders to use or benefit from scheme facilities, as part of their obligations under ... should include consideration of progress on the accessibility of common areas, and the use of auxiliary aids or services - as well as permissions for adaptation within the home. Market progress on adequate

  7. envisage15_English.pdf

    next 3 years 9 the learning undertaken in this age group is mandatory training at work, e.g. first aid. Participants in this survey were also asked what the main barriers were to taking part in any learning ... specifically financial planning tools, managing their wellbeing, and flexible-working discussion aides. We’ve also developed a menopause policy to support our female workers and provide tools and education

  8. envisage15_English.pdf

    next 3 years 9 the learning undertaken in this age group is mandatory training at work, e.g. first aid. Participants in this survey were also asked what the main barriers were to taking part in any learning ... specifically financial planning tools, managing their wellbeing, and flexible-working discussion aides. We’ve also developed a menopause policy to support our female workers and provide tools and education

  9. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    their families in Ethiopia and Kenya by providing cash transfers, food baskets, hygiene kits, mobility aids, water storage tanks and water purification tablets. We also continued to support and monitor recovery ... and its trading subsidiaries, principally Age UK Enterprises (Enterprises), Age UK Trading Ltd and Aid-Call Ltd. Financial products, alarm services, lotteries and raffles Age UK Enterprises Ltd (Enterprises)

  10. Age Cymru - Avoiding slips, trips and falls leaflet - Welsh.pdf

    Yn y bath neu’r gawod, dylech ddefnyddio mat rwber gwrthlithro neu stribedi hunanlynol i ddiogelu eich mat bath. • Os oes angen cymorth arnoch wrth fynd i mewn a dod allan o’r gawod/bath neu wrth ... toiled, beth am osod canllaw i chi afael ynddo. • Peidiwch â chadw’r mat bath ar y llawr. Symudwch ef ar ôl i chi godi o’r bath. Ystafell Wely • Dylech osod lamp yn agos at y gwely lle mae’n hawdd

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