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  1. Assistive technology

    help you if you have long-term health conditions. If you have high blood pressure , a monitor can help you measure your blood pressure at home and automatically send the results to your GP. If you have ... stage. If you’re diabetic , a glucose meter can keep a check on your blood sugar levels. You can also get a low blood sugar alarm that looks like a wristwatch. You wear it at night to warn you if your blood

  2. Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    fit as a fiddle is a programme run by Age UK and funded by the Big Lottery Fund as part of the Wellbeing programme www.fitasaf ... consultants. 4 Key messages Successes  The Dementia Friendly programme has exceeded the goals set out in the bid to the Big Lottery Fund and met most of the expectations of participating local Age UK partners

  3. RB_July15_Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report.pdf

    fit as a fiddle is a programme run by Age UK and funded by the Big Lottery Fund as part of the Wellbeing programme www.fitasaf ... consultants. 4 Key messages Successes  The Dementia Friendly programme has exceeded the goals set out in the bid to the Big Lottery Fund and met most of the expectations of participating local Age UK partners

  4. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Religious_Minorities.pdf 2 Stokes P (2013) Full story: What does the Census tell us about religion in 2011, ONS Figure 1 Table 1 Centre for Policy on Ageing – ... Faith-based organisations and exclusion in European Cities, Bristol, Policy Press. 5 James R (2009) What is Distinctive About FBOs?, Intrac Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review 2016 8 Reformed, Lutherans

  5. 20171901Chargingforcareandsupport.pdf

    affordable for people in receipt of non-residential care? Please explain your answer, and also let us know if there are other actions that you would like to see the Welsh Government take in order to make non-residential ... partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief; gender; and sexual orientation. 4. What impacts do you think the proposals in this consultation will have on groups with protected characteristics

  6. Parliamentary Review into Health and Social Care in Wales - April 2017.pdf

    health and social services is low.  The standardisation of services - achieving the national roll out of a successful scheme can be time consuming and difficult. Removing barriers to the sharing and implementation ... supported by health care services to communicate in Welsh. Age Cymru response 1. Over next 5-10 years what should health and social care services prioritise to ensure a sustainable approach to improved outcomes

  7. NHS continuing healthcare (NHS CHC)

    What is NHS CHC? NHS CHC is a package of care arranged and funded solely by the NHS to meet physical and/or mental health needs that have arisen because of disability, accident or illness. It can ... being reviewed via a care needs assessment by the local authority social services department. If your physical or mental health deteriorates significantly and your current level of care – at

  8. Fundraising promise

    under review and we will work with others with the aim of improving practice across the charity sector. If you have any questions or concerns about this, or any aspect of our work, please don’t hesitate to ... tell the truth and we will not exaggerate We will do what we say we are going to do with donations we receive We will be clear about who we are and what we do We will give a clear explanation of how you can

  9. Survey.pdf

    disability, or issues related to growing older?  Yes  No If you answered No, the survey is not for you at this time, thank you. If you would like further information or support please see the contacts ... needs assessment (also known as a ‘What Matters’ conversation)  Yes  No  Don’t Know Respite break for you (via social services) If you answered No or Don’t Know to the

  10. Rail Franchise and the Metro - February 2017.pdf

    meet the needs of current and future travellers throughout the franchise area, and deliver value for money for both passengers and the taxpayer. 2.1 Integrated transport network and access to services Public ... training. We hope that these comments are useful and would be happy to provide further information if required.

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