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  1. Winter Celebration Grant Eligibility and Criteria Funding 2018.pdf

    funding from Age Cymru, one-off grants of up to £150 are available for social events at winter time. Eligibility In order to apply for this grant programme applicants must be a local older people’s group ...  An older people’s group is understood to be an organised group of older people meeting regularly for social, recreational and other mutually beneficial purposes.  The group must be properly established

  2. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    All-Party Parliamentary Group for Ageing and Older People Ageing in rural areas Monday 30 January Chair Baroness Jolly Speakers David Emerson, chair, ACRE Susan Oliver, CEO at Humber and Wolds Rural Community ... there are differences between areas: coastal and rural areas have a higher number of older people, for example. Community solutions like good neighbour schemes and village agents can be beneficial. They

  3. 20190514 access to banking services in Wales.pdf

    quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased ... basic bank account1 and 6% of households with someone aged 85+ have no bank or post office account.2 For some people, their exclusion is the result of difficulty they face in opening an account because they

  4. will_planner_form_Age_Cymru.pdf

    and who you want to benefit. You can use this form to gather your thoughts and plans in one place for easy reference at your meeting. (Please note that this will planner is not a legal document and cannot ... where copies of your will are kept. *Guardians have legal responsibility for children until they turn 18. A handy tool to prepare you for meeting with your solicitor 2. Work out how much your estate is worth

  5. 20221214 Climate change engagement - Age Cymru response.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Draft strategy for engaging the general public in action on climate change Welsh Government December 2022 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the ... strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to Welsh Government’s consultation on their Draft strategy for engaging the

  6. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) for the work it delivers through projects such as HOPE and Dementia Advocacy. The QPM is the UK’s only independent quality performance mark for organisations like ... like Age Cymru offering independent advocacy; an essential service for people who need support to express their needs and have increased choice and control in their lives. To gain the QPM, the charity’s

  7. Care Home Volunteer Toolkit

    Care home volunteers are a helpful resource bringing many benefits to the quality of life for residents and staff. We’ve produced a set of approved documents and templates for busy care homes which can ... can be downloaded for use to recruit, train, and manage volunteers.

  8. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    Gweler ein canllaw rhad ac am ddim Arbed ynni, talu llai am awgrymiadau. Gweler ein taflen ffeithiau Help gyda chostau gwresogi yng Nghymru am fwy o wybodaeth fanwl. FFONIWCH 105 OS OES GENNYCH DORIAD PŴER ... gwahoddiad i’w gael gan eu Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol (BILl). Os na fyddwch yn cael gwahoddiad a’ch bod chithau’n meddwl eich bod yn gymwys, cysylltwch a’ch BILl i holi am hyn - mae gwybodaeth am sut i gysylltu

  9. FS10w.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 10w  April 2024 Paying for a permanent care home placement in Wales Factsheet 10w  April 2024 (amended May 2024) ... 12 4 Obtaining help from your local authority towards care home costs 14 4.1 Assessment of needs and eligibility for services 14 4.2 Paying for care home placements

  10. RB_March16_Behind_the_Headlines_Hospital_Discharge.pdf

    that view. There is no doubt however that delayed transfers of care are a real and growing problem for the NHS. A mammoth 1.75 million bed-days were lost from January to December in 2015, an increase of ... ‘patient choice’. They demonstrate just how hard it can be to organise a safe and appropriate place for older patients to go to after they have been in hospital, where families can be sure that their loved

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