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  1. FS68.pdf

    network of free advice centres offering confidential and independent advice, face to face or by telephone. Tel: 0800 702 2020 Details of your nearest CAB can be found at: ... also see Age Cymru’s Factsheet 89w Dealing with homelessness in Wales. National Debtline National telephone helpline for people with debt problems. Tel: 0808 808 4000 Website: Public

  2. FS38w.pdf

    local authority. Elsewhere, you may hear the relevant social services department referred to by a number of similar variations, such as:  social care department;  adult social services;  older persons’ ... property]”31. If such a co-owner existed and they sought to enforce a sale, the court would examine a number of factors including:  a.) “the intentions of the person or persons (if any) who created the

  3. IG51.pdf

    (and details of all your bank accounts) • pension plans • insurance policies • National Insurance number • pre-paid funeral plan • will. Your executor is legally responsible for carrying out the instructions ... do what feels right for you, when it feels right. It might be reassuring to know that there are a number of charities and organisations that can offer support and information to your loved ones after you

  4. EnvisAGE14_english_web.pdf

    because while great strides had been made in reducing pensioner poverty, recent years have seen numbers start to increase. Furthermore, older people are the group most likely to suffer from fuel poverty ... work of Age Cymru Advice and how we help older people to claim their benefits and entitlements. The number of enquiries relating to income maximisation and claiming benefit entitlements are increasing year-on-year

  5. RB_Nov15_Financial_Abuse_Evidence_Review.pdf

    extended and amended. A 2011 literature review11 says: ‘ ...Safeguarding Adults (DH, 2008) highlighted a number of changes in perceptions of abuse and key points of concern surrounding how consistent the response ... today have suffered (or are currently suffering) financial abuse since turning 65. For estimation of numbers of those older (65+) people living in the community in the UK, there is no strong reason given in

  6. Age Cymru English - Evaluation report.pdf

    workshops were delivered over the two years 976 hours of free arts provision in care homes 1,952 The numbers involved in cARTrefu demonstrate the impressive scale of the project, making it the largest scale ... consistent relationship with the residents during an immersive residency. 19 cARTrefu sessions in numbers 976 sessions were facilitated in cARTrefu, meaning there were 1,952 hours of free arts provision

  7. ageukig51_thinking_about_end_of_life_inf.pdf

    to put together a memory box or scrapbook of their life. It may help you to know that there are a number of charities and organisations that can offer support and information to your loved ones after you ... all your accounts and account details) • pension plans • insurance policies • National Insurance number • will. 15 If you rely on the internet to pay bills, shop online or keep in touch with friends,

  8. RB_July15_Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report.pdf

    Spring 2015.  Interviews with 14 local partners from cohorts two and three in Spring 2015.  Telephone interviews in Autumn 2014 and again in Spring 2015 with: the three members of the Dementia Friendly ... bullets, this is what we do, this how you can access it and if you want more information, call this number.’ Some of the newly designed materials will only be printed and distributed when all copies of the

  9. Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    Spring 2015.  Interviews with 14 local partners from cohorts two and three in Spring 2015.  Telephone interviews in Autumn 2014 and again in Spring 2015 with: the three members of the Dementia Friendly ... bullets, this is what we do, this how you can access it and if you want more information, call this number.’ Some of the newly designed materials will only be printed and distributed when all copies of the

  10. RB_July15_How to make your Age UK dementia friendly.pdf

    they needed in order to ‘live well’ with dementia. The event was held at a well-used local venue. A number of steps were taken to make the event as accessible as possible to people with dementia: • An access ... person it was clear that their contributions were considered. In one case, a day centre member telephoned the worker from Age UK Coventry on the day following their visit as he had thought of something

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