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  1. Carers Guide (Cym) Nov 22.pdf

    Cyfrifianellau budd-daliadau Age Cymru - Benefits calculator | Check what you can claim for Entitled to - medium=referral&utm_campaign=GovUK Turn2us ... Taflen Wybodaeth 34: Lwfans Gweini - globalassets/age-cymru/documents/information-guides-and-factsheets/fs34.pdf Lwfans Gofalwr Lwfans Gofalwyr yw’r prif fudd-dal i ofalwyr, a gallech dderbyn

  2. How to challenge a benefit decision

    Information about what procedures to take if you dispute the decision made about your benefits entitlement

  3. The Council Tax Reduction Scheme

    Information about the benefits you can claim to help pay your council tax

  4. Carer's Allowance

    Information about the benefits available to help pay for care in your own home.

  5. Privacy Policy

    At Age Cymru, we’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

  6. Age Positive Week - your event

    Tell us about your event or activity to celebrate Age Positive Week.

  7. Life on a low income

    Our report 'life on a low income' has cast new light on what life is like for older people in poverty in Wales

  8. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers-Welsh FINAL.pdf

    Care & Repair Cymru Canllawiau i Ofalwyr ar Gwympiadau Yn aml eu perthnasau neu ofalwyr anffurfiol fydd yn canfod pobl hŷn neubobl fregus sydd mewn risg o gwympo neu sydd eisoes wedi cwympo. Bydd eu cymorth i drin sefyllfaoedd neu atal cwympiad yn hollbwysig. Wyddech chi? • • Bod pobl hŷn sydd wedi cwympo ymhlith y tri phrif reswm pam y gelwir ambiwlans. • • Os ydych wedi cwympo

  9. RB_15_Age_Opportunity_Best_Practice_Guide_for_Recruiters.pdf

    Recruitment & Employment Confederation Age opportunity A best practice guide for recruiters An ageing population, the end of forced retirement and a rising State Pension age, mean there is a growing number ... Workers, Department for Work and Pensions (2015) Employing Older Workers: An employer’s guide to multi-generational workforce, Department for Work and Pensions (2013) DWP Employer Toolkit:

  10. Equity release

    Equity release refers to the various ways in which you can use your home to generate income. This means that you can release cash from your home without the hassle of having to move.

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