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  1. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    would it cost to meet the unmet social care needs of older people in England? - Iparraguirre Page 1 How much would it cost to meet the unmet social care needs of older people in England? Prof Jose Iparraguirre ... Introduction Last year, Age UK estimated that 1,004,000 older people between 65 and over have unmet social care needs –roughly 31 per cent of older people with difficulty in carrying out activities of daily living

  2. Safe to be me - Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services - A resource pack for professionals.pdf

    1 Safe to be me Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services A resource pack for professionals 2 Foreword ‘The staff in the home very rarely ... than 5 million people every year, providing support, companionship and advice for older people who need it most. The Age UK network includes Age UK, Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland and around 150 local

  3. NHS continuing healthcare (NHS CHC)

    NHS continuing healthcare is a free package of care for people who have significant ongoing healthcare needs. It is arranged and funded by the NHS.

  4. What is abuse?

    The list below outlines the main forms of abuse that can affect adults who need care and support

  5. Friend In Need Resource -English.pdf

    Potentially anyone in Wales who is not self-isolating can be a ‘Friend’ if they know someone who needs support locally. • You may already be a ‘Friend’ Why is a ‘Friend’ necessary? • Many people in Wales ... or couples, who are social distancing, self-isolating or shielding and don’t have this support may need other people they know to help them. What would be the alternative without a ‘Friend’? • People could

  6. Information and advice

    advice on a whole host of topics that you may need help with in later life. From money and health to care and housing advice, we provide support when you need it

  7. Dertermining need for advocacy.pdf

    Determining need for advocacy

  8. Find care and support at home

    Need help at home? You can get help with everything from personal care to home security - find out how and where to get assistance.

  9. Friend In Need Resource Welsh.pdf

    ‘Cyfaill’, cewch: - O gael cymorth ar yr hwb gwybodaeth ‘Cyfeillion’; - Cofrestru am ddiweddariadau. - Cael mynediad at wybodaeth a chefnogaeth drwy ffonio Age Cymru Advice ... chi’n casglu ei bresgripsiwn iddo. Am ragor o wybodaeth common-health-questions/caring-carersand-long-term-conditions/can-i-pick-up-aprescription-for-someone-else/ Dyma rai rhagofalon

  10. Friend in need

    Friend in Need. The service provides a free weekly 30 minute telephone  friendship call for people in Wales who are 70 or over. Catherine aged 71 I really enjoy doing friend in need, Ken, is really ... end up having a laugh. It makes me feel that friend in need is so worthwhile. Remo aged 64 Initially I thought I was the one helping my Friend in Need but actually it's a two way process. My friend's attitude

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