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  1. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    Consultation Response Ref 0617 HM Treasury and Department for Work and Pensions pension scams consultation February 2017 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts ... December 2016, HM Treasury and the Department for Work and Pensions published a consultation on a package of measures aimed at tackling pension scams.1 Introduction Age UK is the country's largest charity

  2. CRS_April16_Pensions_automatic_enrolment_Lifetime_ISA.pdf

    Inquiry Response Pensions automatic enrolment – Lifetime ISAs Ref. 1116 April 2016 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational ... serious threat to pension saving, but we do anticipate some negative effect on opt-out rates and potentially reduced pension saving by some individuals.  The risk to pension saving would be increased if the

  3. RB_Sept14_Pension_receipt_in_the_UK-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    Pension receipt in the UK: are older individuals from ethnic minorities disadvantaged? Athina Vlachantoni, Zhixin Frank Feng, Maria Evandrou and Jane Falkingham Pension receipt in later ... individuals’ pension contributions and circumstances over the life course interact with eligibility rules for each type of pension. Within the British context, such pensions may relate to the state pension, an

  4. Help us to be there on the hardest day and every day

    people, festive cheer remains out of reach, with a staggering 84,670 older people in Wales saying they will eat Christmas dinner alone this year.

  5. IG54.pdf

    Council Tax Reduction AgeUKIG54 2 What is Council Tax Reduction? Council Tax is a property-based tax you pay to your local council. If you’re on a low income, you might be entitled to help paying it. This ... same Council Tax Reduction scheme for people over State Pension age – which is what this guide focuses on. If you haven’t yet reached State Pension age, the scheme can vary between councils, so you should

  6. Advocacy Zcard (ew2).pdf

    Advocacy: Supporting you to be informed, heard and involved Someone there for me and only me Someone to listen to me so I can make my own decisions Someone to support me Someone to help me access and ... information people give me about my care and support • I think I might need help but I don’t know how to go about it or what will happen next • I am not able to say what matters to me especially when

  7. What is abuse?

    The list below outlines the main forms of abuse that can affect adults who need care and support

  8. What matters to you?

    Tell us what matters to you This year marks our fifth annual survey to understand the views and current experiences of people aged 50 or over across Wales. More than 5,000 people have responded to this ... survey was launched in 2020, and the information gathered has provided us with vital insight into what matters to older people, informed and influenced Welsh Government, and shaped policy and campaigning

  9. CRS_Jan16_Pension_reforms_proposed_changes_to_guidance.pdf

    Consultation Response Pension reforms – proposed changes to our rules and guidance, CP 15-30 January 2016 Ref: 3915 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts ... About this consultation Following the introduction of the pension flexibilities in April 2015, where consumers no longer have to annuitise their pension savings and can instead choose from a range of options

  10. CRS_Dec13_Reshaping_workplace_pensions_future_generations.pdf

    Consultation Response Reshaping workplace pensions for future generations Ref: 3313 Date: 19th December 2013 All ... ambition (DA) pensions to complement the defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) models that currently predominate and proposals for a new regulatory framework for future pension provision.

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