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  1. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    Consultation response Welsh Government: One network, one timetable, one ticket: planning buses as a public service for Wales June 2022 Q1: Do you agree that change is required in how we deliver bus ... ‘Other than using my own car, no public transport nearby’. (Female aged 70-74, Carmarthenshire) ‘Bus number 460. It does not go through our village as it is, we depend on the Bwcabus service to meet the 460

  2. Volunteer

    We have a number of exciting volunteering opportunities you can get involved in.

  3. National organisations for older people

    We work with a number of national older people’s organisations.

  4. Physical activity

    Age Cymru runs a number of physical activity programmes including nordic walking, tai chi and low impact functional training.

  5. Universal Credit

    Universal Credit is a new benefit gradually being introduced nationally. It will eventually replace a number of existing benefits.

  6. Arts in Care Homes

    champion arts and creativity in care homes, and can support care homes, their staff and residents in a number of ways.

  7. Power of Attorney

    There are a number of reasons why you might need someone to make decisions for you, or act on your behalf. A power of attorney can make decisions for you.

  8. NHS services in Wales and help with health costs

    Regardless of age, very few people feel well all the time. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can get help when you’re ill, or if you just need advice about your health.

  9. Falls prevention

    Falls are the number one reason older people are taken to the emergency department in a hospital. Most falls don’t cause serious injury but they can leave you distressed. The good news is that there are

  10. Postal scams

    Lotteries and prize draws You may receive a letter congratulating you on winning a cash prize. Usually you’ll be given a number to call, and if you do, you’ll be asked to pay a fee before the prize is ... further increasing fees or to call a premium rate number. Don’t respond to these letters. A genuine lottery won’t ever ask you to pay a fee to collect your winnings. Psychics and clairvoyants Psychics and clairvoyants

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