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  1. FS42w.pdf

    Contents Factsheet 42w  February 2024 Obtaining disability equipment and home adaptations in Wales Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 42w  February 2024 ... 2 of 62 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 5 1.1 Local authority social services departments 5 2 Introduction to disability equipment and home

  2. FS38w.pdf

    Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 38w  June 2024 Treatment of property in the means test for permanent care home provision in Wales Factsheet 38w  June 2024 ... 2 of 57 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 5 1.1 Definitions and terminology 5 2 Legislation covering the social care system in Wales 7 2.1 The Social Services

  3. Various housing issues

    considering renting a property for the first time. Our following factsheets have useful information on this topic. We also have a factsheet with information if you're threatened with eviction. We have titles ... provider): Factsheet 8w: Community landlord housing in Wales – local authority or housing association homes Factsheet 63w: Finding private rented accommodation in Wales Factsheet 35w: Renting

  4. 5 FAQ for Care home volunteers.pdf

    and PPE. You must let the care home manager know if you have symptoms of Covid infection. Do not attend the care home if you have symptoms of Covid or if you’ve met someone who has received a positive ... home to agree a pattern of attendance. This can be as much time as you can offer and the care home can accommodate. 7. Do I need to volunteer at weekends? Weekend attendance can be discussed with the care

  5. FS6w.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 6w  July 2022 Finding help at home in Wales Factsheet 6w  July 2022 ... 2 of 49 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 4 1.1 Local authority social services departments 4 2 Legislation covering the social care system in Wales 5 2.1 The Social Services and Well-being

  6. How to find the help you need at home

    aware of this need. Our factsheet has detailed information on the assessment process: Factsheet 41w: Social care assessments for older people with care needs in Wales Our factsheet gives an overview of the ... referred to as domiciliary, non-residential or community care services. A significant focus of the factsheet involves the assistance that your local authority social services department may be able to provide

  7. Problems with a care home

    the home, the quality of personal care, or staff behaviour. Our factsheet provides detailed information on how to make a complaint. Factsheet 59w: How to resolve problems and make a complaint about social ... social care in Wales If there are any concerns about abuse and/or neglect, our factsheet on this topic may be helpful: Factsheet 78w: Safeguarding older people in Wales from abuse and neglect For more

  8. Summer 2024 v5.pdf

    entitlements. Last year we helped older people claim more than a quarter of a million pounds worth of Attendance Allowance and £150k in Pension Credit. We’ll also share our latest information regarding BT’s switchover ... Summer edition 2024 Claiming Attendance Allowance and other benefits could help you increase your income by more than £6,000 Claiming benefits such as Attendance Allowance and Pension Credit could help

  9. FS37w.pdf

    Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 37w  December 2023 Hospital discharge arrangements for older people in Wales Factsheet 37w  December 2023 ... 2 of 71 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 5 1.1 Local Health Boards and local authority social services departments 6 2 Welsh Government / NHS Wales guidance on –

  10. IG23.pdf

    steps For more detailed information, see our factsheets Finding help at home and Paying for care and support at home. In Wales, see Age Cymru’s factsheets Finding help at home in Wales and Social care ... you. See our guide Adapting your home and our factsheet Disability equipment and home adaptations for more information. In Wales, see Age Cymru’s factsheet Obtaining disability equipment and home adaptations

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