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  1. Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

    Get to grips with the Employment and Support Allowance - a benefit for people who are out of work due to illness or disability. Who is eligible? How do you claim?

  2. Values and behaviours

    Our values support the way we do our work with and for older people in Wales

  3. What is abuse?

    The list below outlines the main forms of abuse that can affect adults who need care and support

  4. Help an older person this Winter

    close to you, our guide Winter wrapped up may help them prepare for the winter season. Find out the simple things you can do to support them.

  5. What you can do if you are lonely, or care for someone who is

    Use our resources to find out how to spot loneliness in those you care for and what you can do to help.

  6. For The Moment - summary of findings from older carers

    Rights Week 2021 , our Hidden Carers survey sought the views and input from older unpaid carers across Wales who were not in receipt of formal support.

  7. Policy

    Find out more about the policy work we do with and for older people in Wales

  8. What to do when the weather's bad

    Beat the bad weather with these simple steps If bad weather is forecast, make sure you have everything you need.  Check you've got enough medication and food in case it's harder to leave the house ... be handy if the water supply is interrupted. Have torches handy around the home in case of a power cut.  And some spare batteries too. Keep emergency numbers nearby.  Call 105 in the event of a

  9. Assist and Connect

    Assist and Connect is a community based, face to face support service where volunteers are matched with a member of their community who requires support.

  10. What do you think about the response to Covid-19 in Wales - what impact did the pandemic have on you?

    What do you think about the response to Covid-19 in Wales - what impact did the pandemic have on you?

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