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  1. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    Lack of single point of contact Older people are often in receipt of multiple services and would benefit from the introduction of a single, or primary, care co-ordinator who could act as first point of

  2. Advocacy Newsletter - October 2018 English.pdf

    this category eg registering with a local GP, hospital forms, applying for a social care service, benefit claims, appointment confirmations etc. The BDA’s Advocacy services in Northern Ireland, England

  3. RB_Oct15_Age_UK_almanac.pdf

    based on the possibility of prescription of a cholinesterase or other cognitive enhancer and the benefits of a diagnosis in helping plan for the future (Waldemar et al., 2007). However, other authors note ... diseased. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 347, f4298. MUKHTAR, O. & JACKSON, S. H. D. 2013. Risk: benefit of treating high blood pressure in older adults. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 75, 36-44

  4. RB_July17_Testing_Promising_Approaches_Technical_Annex.pdf

    the most impact for them, and for those who were lonely some of the time or hardly lonely welfare benefit advice had the biggest impact. This does not mean that social engagement has the greater impact on ... for older people. Chart 33: Impact of Different Services 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Welfare Benefit Advice Other Advice Transport Social Engagement Condition Support Practical Support Signposting Volunteering

  5. RB_14_Care_in_Crisis_report.pdf

    fell by 21 per cent from 489,000 to 384,600. These figures demonstrate that fewer people are benefitting from preventative services that support them to remain in their own homes. Increase in residents ... million ring-fenced for joint decision by the NHS and councils on spending which would have a health benefit would only reduce the shortfall to 4.5 per cent, even assuming that all of this funding was spent

  6. Buses - a lifeline for older people.pdf

    operators for income lost by providing free travel rather than as an investment, they are nevertheless benefiting from increased usage by older people. Recommendation 5.2 Improving non-commercial services ... important to them. Similarly, it is surprising that community based businesses are not able to benefit from the secure income stream of the scheme in the same way as commercial operators. Recommendations

  7. CRS_April15_FCA_Access_Scoping_Study_response.pdf

    be more able to navigate the obstacles and arrive at a solution. Improved design would, however, benefit everyone, not only older people. A 2015 correspondent to Age UK, in a complaint letter to his bank

  8. IG45.pdf

    information and advice helped? If so, we’d love to hear from you to provide relatable examples that benefit others. Email your story to This information guide has been prepared by Age

  9. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement.pdf

    that older people frequently experience discriminatory treatment. As a result society is failing to benefit fully from the valuable resources that older people offer – as potential employees, volunteers, elected

  10. RB_Oct15_Diversity_Dementia_Gearing_up.pdf

    management is funded from the HA service charge, which is paid for through local authority housing benefit for those on low income. This HA runs a supported living scheme for AfricanCaribbean older people

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