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  1. Discrimination, Human Rights and Welsh language rights public policy statement - September 2022.pdf

    live with dignity and respect. Older people are equal members of society and should not be subjected to ageist attitudes, stereotyping or conduct. However, negative attitudes towards older people and ageing ... treatment. As a result society is failing to benefit fully from the valuable resources that older people offer – as potential employees, volunteers, elected representatives and in many other roles. To achieve

  2. RB_Sept13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    have been so for more than a year.i It can be very difficult or even impossible for these people to move back into work, often because of ageist attitudes by employers, a lack of high quality advice ... support to the long-term unemployed, using mainly private sector contractors operating under a payment-by-results system to move people into sustainable employment. The scheme offers the potential to raise

  3. RB_March13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    1. Key points and policy recommendations • If the Government is serious about extending working lives, it must make sure that everyone who wants to and is capable of working can do so, regardless ... the Work Programme is a labour market tool which can be used to correct inequalities in the labour market. This means that how the programme operates and its funding can be altered to incentivise contractors

  4. Winter celebration grant application form 2018.docx

    Age Cymru Winter Celebration Grant ProgrammeSection A Contact p erson: Mr Mrs Ms Other Surname ____________________ First name ___________________Day time tel. n o:Address for contact: ... older people’s groupLocal authority a rea where your group meets1 .Please describe your Winter Celebration. Include what the activity is, when and where it will take place and how it will be

  5. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Survey_Findings.pdf

    conducted with older people Younger people sample = 26 Online survey conducted with young people Where did you hear about the Technology Together opportunities? Older survey respondents Younger survey ... 13 out of 41 respondents via word of mouth (friend or family member)  11 out of 41 respondents saw a poster  10 out of 41 respondents read about it newspaper  15 out of 26 respondents via

  6. Newsletter Spring 2021.pdf

    Chief Executive, March 2021 There is no doubting that we’re living in unprecedented times as we mark a year of lockdown following the onset of Covid 19 at the beginning of 2020. During the recent pandemic ... everything that has been taking place, there is a danger that older people’s rights are not being upheld and promoted. Which is why we have redoubled our efforts to understand older people’s hopes, fears and

  7. Loneliness policy statement - May 2017.pdf

    toilets), community services and inclusion’ and public transport. Summary Loneliness and isolation are a daily reality for many older people. 75,000 older people in Wales reported ‘always or often’ feeling ... reasons, including retirement, bereavement, ill health, a lack of local services or transport and a poor physical environment. Some older people choose to miss out on socialising or activities because even

  8. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_140316.pdf

    Betts MP, Graham Brady MP and Alison Thewliss MP. Introduction: Baroness Greengross welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the running order. Guest Speakers: Baroness Greengross introduced the first ... Executive of Care & Repair England. Sue Adams OBE – Sue started the discussion by talking about where people lived – she explained that the majority of older people (96%) live in general housing, 43%

  9. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_LGBT.pdf

    grouped together (LGBT) but actually form a diverse and heterogeneous group with varied and disparate needs. While the terms ‘lesbian’ and ‘gay man’ may suggest a clear sexual orientation, in reality sexuality ... sexual orientation, is an umbrella term which is increasingly employed to cover the gender identity spectrum including (but not limited to) transgender, transsexual, transvestite, genderqueer, gender-fluid

  10. CRS_Nov17_women_and_equalities_select_committee.pdf

    Submission to Women and Equalities Select Committee Older workers inquiry November 2017 Ref: 2517 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic ... academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Christopher Brooks

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