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  1. Final WASP Charter.pdf

    Rhannu negeseuon cyson â’r cyhoedd a’r cyfryngau. 1 Raising awareness and de-stigmatising scams We will • Improve public awareness of scams and fraud and increase knowledge about the steps people can ... atafaelu asedau. • Ceisio adfer ymdeimlad o les a hyder i ddioddefwyr. 2 Prevention and protection We will • Increase the protection everyone, and especially vulnerable people, have against scams and fraud

  2. FS46w.pdf

    303 44 98 Factsheet 46w  April 2024 Paying for care and support at home in Wales Factsheet 46w  April 2024 (amended May 2024) 2 of 54 Contents ... introduction to the general principles 11 4.1 The majority of homecare / non-residential social care services will be charged for 11 4.2 Welsh Government guidance – Social Services and

  3. Help with the cost of living

    Britain . It is a maximum amount that suppliers can charge per unit of energy. Between 1 July 2024 and 30 September 2024 , for 'typical' dual-fuel households paying by direct debit, Ofgem has set the annual price ... £1,568  (this is a reduction from the previous cap in place between 1 April and 30 June 2024 of £1,690). It's important to note that bills are still based on your actual usage , so

  4. FS10w.pdf

    98 Factsheet 10w  April 2024 Paying for a permanent care home placement in Wales Factsheet 10w  April 2024 (amended May 2024) 2 of 76 ... of paying for care in a care home 32 9.1 Pension Credit 32 Factsheet 10w  April 2024 (amended May 2024) 3 of 76 9.2 Disability-related benefits 34 10 A ‘Minimum

  5. FS87.pdf

    Page 1 of 30 Factsheet 87 Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance April 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet gives information about Personal Independence Payment (PIP), a ... Allowance, for more information. The information in this factsheet is correct for the period April 2024 to March 2025. Benefit rates are reviewed annually and uprated in April but rules and figures can

  6. Personal Independence Payment

    such as preparing food and drink, dressing and undressing, or moving around. The rates from April 2024 are shown in the table below. PIP has two parts - a daily living component and a mobility component ... call the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) on 0800 917 2222 (textphone 0800 917 7777 ). They will ask for basic information and then send you a claim form. Step two: Fill in the claim form. If you

  7. Disability Living Allowance

    DLA You are claiming on behalf of a disabled person under the age of 16 To continue to claim DLA you will need to show that you meet the criteria for either or both of the two components – the ‘care component’ ... walking without assistance. Both components have levels of severity which determine the rate of DLA you will be eligible for (see DLA rates below). If you haven’t already claimed DLA then you’ll need to find

  8. CAP Regional Project Officer North and Mid Wales - English.pdf

    Wales Region Contractual Status of Role: Full time, 35 hours per week Fixed term until December 2024 Job Title of Line Manager: Regional Coordinator (North and Mid Wales) Job Purpose: To meet the Community ... holder will be required to provide a car for business use and some occasional travel across Wales may be required. There may be occasional requirements to work evenings and weekends - these will be planned

  9. CAP Regional Volunteer Officer South and South East Wales (A&C) 2023.pdf

    Wales Region Contractual Status of Role: Part time, 21 hours per week Fixed term until December 2024 Job Title of Line Manager: Regional Coordinator (South and South East Wales) Job Purpose: To meet ... holder will be required to provide a car for business use and some occasional travel across Wales may be required. There may be occasional requirements to work evenings and weekends - these will be planned

  10. FS39w.pdf

    303 44 98 Factsheet 39w  July 2024 Paying for a care home in Wales if you have a partner Factsheet 39w  July 2024 ... in eligibility due to a care home placement 14 Factsheet 39w  July 2024 3 of 39 4.11 Occupational pensions,

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