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  1. RB_June14_financial_resilience_in_later_life.pdf

    events • Particular thanks for their input from: Martin Coppack, Tim Fassam, Ted Hart, Stephen Locke, Doug Taylor, Jackie Wells and Sian Williams • Everyone who took part in the summit events (all participating ... their next steps. Equally as important is whether regulated advice itself can be made simpler, by introducing focused advice solutions that give people more certainty on specific issues and the costs involved

  2. EnvisAGE14_english_web.pdf

    society we realised this was unacceptable and changes like Pension Credit and the triple-lock on pensions were introduced. These new benefits made a huge difference. The pensioner poverty rate plummeted ... enough for a single pensioner, or a couple who rely on one person’s contributions, to avoid being locked in poverty. Low-income pensioners need to rely on a top-up to their income through the Pension Credit

  3. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    decisions and maximise their retirement income, the Government, pensions industry and regulators should introduce the following changes: Pensions Dashboard: Consumers should be provided with a Pensions Dashboard ... State Pensions and whether to use some or all of their DC pot to buy Additional State Pension. Introduce a ‘Second-line of defence’ requiring pension providers to ask specific questions at the time the

  4. CRS_Feb15_Independent_Review_Retirement_Income.pdf

    from losing out, for example imposing minimum standards on products, improving governance, and introducing safeguards to minimise the risk of people making ill-advised decisions. Such measures are set out ... pension system. Any changes need to be introduced with sufficient time and publicity for people to be able to plan ahead. In particular, we would like to see the triple lock enshrined in legislation so that

  5. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_summary.pdf

    income below 60% median income (after housing costs) 1998/99 29% 2014/15 14% £3.7bn unclaimed Triple lock Protects value of basic pension until 2020 Where are we now? FCA, 2015 DWP, 2015 More people saving ... that high quality post-diagnosis support is available. A minimum standard for support should be introduced. The Government must put a plan in place to meet World Health Organization goals for achieving

  6. RB_March17_Age_UK_briefing_Budget.pdf

    be increased by 2.5% to £122.30 and £159.55 respectively. This is a 2.5% increase based on the triple lock.  Other elements of the State Pension and disability benefits such as Attendance Allowance will

  7. GE 2019 manifesto - English - Final version.pdf

    must • protect the value of the State Pension for current and future pensioners by retaining the triple lock and universal access to key benefits that help maintain health and wellbeing, such as the TV licence

  8. Age Cymru Activity Cards_cARTrefu_Intro_E.pdf

    circle or around a table if needed • To begin a session, go around the circle and ask everyone to introduce themselves. It’s important the group gets to know each other • Encourage family members and visitors ... can give you the confidence to try more. When planning a session, think about: • How you will introduce the activity: you could show examples of what you’d like the residents to create • Don’t just

  9. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    fair to older people, some of whom have told us they feel badly let down by the decision to delay introducing a cap on care bills, and it would also be prudent: such is the fragility of social care at the ... tendering practices that allow full recovery of all a project’s costs. The Government’s plans to introduce a National Living Wage are welcome, but unless extra funding is found this is likely to hit small

  10. RB_Summer15_Chief_Economist's_Report.pdf

    Briefing and expand on some of the measures introduced in the Budget. For the duration of this Parliament, the government will continue to maintain the triple lock on the basic State Pension and to protect

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