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  1. Accessing help for other.pdf

    dentistinformation/ Support with hearing aids All NHS Audiology services in Wales offer a postal service for replacement hearing aid batteries and for repair of hearing aids. Services welcome enquiries by phone ... phone, text and email to provide help/advice for NHS hearing aid patients who are experiencing difficulties, and contact details are available on individual Health Board Audiology Service websites and social

  2. FS59w.pdf

    unless you are eligible for Legal Aid and your case has sufficient merit to meet the test for funding. Further information on finding legal advice, including Legal Aid, is available in Age UK’s Factsheet ... bed. She was unable to leave her bed and this new arrangement would allow carers to give her bed baths. She requested a double bed so that she could continue to sleep next to her husband. The authority

  3. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    either disability or social care needs. The following activities are classified as ADL:  Having a bath or a shower  Dressing or undressing  Getting in and out of bed  Using the toilet  Eating, including ... stairs, getting around outside, and bathing. Low 148 4 Mrs B had problems with three activities of daily living: using the stairs, getting around outside and bathing. Median 370 10 Mrs C had problems with

  4. 2020-2021 Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    what to consider when explaining your care needs. Washing, bathing and looking after your appearance Do you need help getting in and out of the bath or shower; adjusting shower controls; shaving; putting on ... condition like diabetes; recognising whether your condition is deteriorating; adjusting your hearing aid? Communicating Do you need help understanding or hearing people, or being understood by them; answering

  5. IG47.pdf

    Home adaptations or improvements could help make life easier. Handrails, grab rails, ramps or bathing aids may be useful, and you might be able to get some adaptations paid for. Contact the social services ... or treated. • If they wear them, check that the person’s glasses are clean and that their hearing aid is in and working. If they’re struggling to see or hear, they might be feeling isolated from what’s

  6. IG13.pdf

    Payment (PIP). Washing and looking after their appearance Do they need help getting in and out of the bath or shower; adjusting shower controls; shaving; applying skin cream; or washing or drying their hair ... they need help understanding or hearing people or being understood by them; adjusting their hearing aid; answering the phone; or reading and writing letters? Supervision Do they need someone to keep an eye

  7. Support groups and charities.pdf

    sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Trust National AIDS Trust Parkinson’s UK Terrence Higgins Trust ... Ymddiriedolaeth Sglerosis Ymledol Ymddiriedolaeth AIDS Genedlaethol Parkinson’s UK Mae Age Cymru yn

  8. WWU - English.pdf

    by sitting with your skin in direct contact with a radiator, hot water bottle hot running shower, bath or other heat source. Talk to your GP if you get chilblains regularly or have diabetes. Contact Burns ... Maestro American Express (Maestro only) Expiry date / Issue no. (Maestro only) Signature X Gift aid declaration (please tick) Yes, I want Age Cymru to treat all donations I have made for the four years

  9. FS46w.pdf

    away from the home in, for example, local authority run day centres for older people).  Provision of aids, equipment or adaptations to help with daily living tasks and for home safety, including community ... disability-related equipment”; or  “internet access” – for example for “those with a visual impairment to aid their communication”23. When you are having your means test, you should consider everything you have

  10. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    example putting off going to the dentist after breaking a tooth for fear of the cost, not being able to bathe properly as they were unable to afford a walk-in shower, or being unable to pay for help with cleaning ... particular, men who had been driving for many years felt it would be hard to give up. • Paying for mobility aids. A few participants felt that their mobility scooters were a lifeline (see also Hill et al., 2009)

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