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  1. IG07.pdf

    charger • a notebook and pen to write down any questions • your glasses, and any walking or hearing aids • things to pass the time, such as books, magazines or puzzles. Good to know. It’s best not to take ... into hospital so they don’t get lost. • On the day you go into hospital, you might like to shower or bathe, wash your hair, cut your nails, and put on fresh clothes. 12 Emergency admissions. While it’s unlikely

  2. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    the HOPE project through 2022. Qualia Law is a member of Advice UK and is funded by the Charities Aid Foundation the National Lottery, and UnLtd. Its expert solicitors are qualified and regulated by ... and enjoy the way it makes you feel. Check out the link below for a guide to forest bathing: Guide to forest bathing 2. Be Physically Active Regular physical activity is associated with lower

  3. FS39w.pdf

    addition to considering the level of help someone needs for personal care activities (e.g. dressing or bathing), or to achieve or maintain “a reasonable standard of health”17, the local authority also needs to ... extra staff assistance. There may be a requirement for an auxiliary aid and services, for example, a portable induction loop with hearing aids, a British Sign Language interpreter or provision of information

  4. IG24.pdf

    your doctor if you’re having trouble with hearing things or being able to communicate. Some hearing aids and batteries are available for free on the NHS. If you think you have tinnitus (a condition that ... short and smooth • have a regular diabetic foot check • dry your feet carefully after a shower or bath, particularly between your toes • avoid soaking your feet for too long – it can cause dry skin • avoid

  5. FS6w.pdf

    example, local authority run day centres for older people);  community transport;  provision of aids, equipment or adaptations to help with daily living tasks and for home safety;  provision of telecare ...  dressing;  using the toilet;  washing and bathing;  eating or drinking;  getting ready for bed. If you have difficulty getting up from your bed, bath or chair, you may need a specialist manual handling

  6. FS67.pdf

    the building – i.e. walls, roof, external doors and windows;  sanitary fittings, such as sinks, baths, showers, toilets (including pipes and drains);  heating and hot water;  gas appliances (including ... heating, gas fires, flues, ventilation and chimneys;  “water, pipes, basins, sinks, toilets and baths, drains and guttering”;  “gas pipes, electrical wiring, and any appliances provided”11; or  fixing

  7. GCBH_Sleep-Brain-Connection.pdf

    if you are sleeping 7 hours, you should only be in bed 7.5 hours, not 9-10 hours. 3. A regular warm bath may be beneficial 2-3 hours before bedtime. 4. Wearing socks to bed may be beneficial if you have ... patterns and quality of sleep as we age? 5. If people are taking prescription or over-counter sleep aides, what should they know about the impact of those medicines on cognition and does that change with

  8. RB_Oct16_Ageing_in_squalor_and_distress_report.pdf

    local authority. However, taking legal action can be complicated. There are restrictions on legal aid and tenants may still be under the threat of ‘retaliatory eviction’ by the landlord. George has ... walking aid that he can use outside. Although Andrew lives in a ground floor flat there are still five steps outside the main door of his block. This makes it impossible for him to carry the walking aid he

  9. FS29w.pdf

    care home. These questions can help you reach an informed opinion about particular homes and thus aid you with your decision. 3.2 Social services assessments and possible financial assistance towards the ... care and support services, such as:  personal care (for example, help with dressing, eating or bathing);  domestic assistance;  ‘meals on wheels’; or  the provision of disability equipment or adaptations

  10. Accessing help for other.pdf

    dentistinformation/ Support with hearing aids All NHS Audiology services in Wales offer a postal service for replacement hearing aid batteries and for repair of hearing aids. Services welcome enquiries by phone ... phone, text and email to provide help/advice for NHS hearing aid patients who are experiencing difficulties, and contact details are available on individual Health Board Audiology Service websites and social

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