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  1. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    Consultation Response Ref 0617 HM Treasury and Department for Work and Pensions pension scams consultation February 2017 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts ... purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Phil Mawhinney Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square

  2. RB_April15_Only_the_tip_of_the_iceberg.pdf

    a charity and a social enterprise driven by the needs and aspirations of people in later life. Our vision is for a world where everyone can love later life. Age UK provides information and advice to over ... over 5 million people each year, runs public and parliamentary campaigns, provides training, and funds research exclusively focused on later life. We support and assist a network of around 165 local Age UKs

  3. Advocacy Newsletter Dec 2019 - Eng SM.pdf

    Advocacy Newsletter Issue No 12 December 2019 Media and Resources Older People’s Commissioner for Wales and Age Cymru have produced a DVD regarding Advocacy Awareness. They also have a new Advocacy ... produced a link for a Dementia Care Resource for Care Professionals Dewis Centre for Independent Living and National Youth Advocacy Service have produced these Advocacy Awareness Media Clips. Voiceability

  4. CRS_Sept15_Gender_pay_gap.pdf

    consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Name: Joanne Sawyer, Policy Adviser, Consumer and Communities (Employment) Email: Age ... Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis

  5. annual_review_2011_2012.pdf

    Improving later life Together We all want the best possible later life for our families, our friends and ourselves. With your help, we can change lives. Together. Money matters 4 Health & wellbeing 8 Home ... review 38 Welcome to Age UK's Annual Review 2011/12. Together with our partners, supporters, volunteers and staff we help make later life better for millions of people. 1 Money matters Health & wellbeing Home

  6. RB_Aug16_Age_UK_Briefing_Bank_Branch_Closures.pdf

    bank branches Age UK is calling for all banks and building societies to work harder to respond to the needs of their older customers and our ageing society and to raise awareness among Parliamentarians of ... people are able to use internet banking, we know that around a quarter (26%) of people aged 65 to 74 and around three-fifths (61%) of people aged 75+ do not regularly use the internet. Many older people also

  7. Executive summary - Age Cymru -Why are we still waiting- Delays in social care in Wales – July 2023.pdf

    social care in Wales for people aged 55 and over. Last year our dementia advocacy project, HOPE (Helping others to participate and engage) advocacy project and Age Cymru Advice were all reporting worrying ... as can be seen in the large increase in the number of older people approaching social care for help and the urgency of their needs. 2. Efforts on social care recovery have continued this year, but their

  8. Fuel Poverty policy statement - October 2017.pdf

    cent or more of household income on fuel to maintain a heating regime adequate to safeguard comfort and health. Around 291,000 households were estimated to be in fuel poverty in 2016, equivalent to 23% of ... over recent years, leading to reforms by the UK Government and industry regulator Ofgem. These have sought to make energy bills more affordable and to encourage people to switch suppliers, however in 2015

  9. Winter_Warmth_Impact_Report.pdf

    much higher than other colder countries. Research suggests that cold weather morbidity is preventable and a result of thermally inefficient houses that are difficult to keep warm.ii Cold weather causes a ... heart attacks, strokes, respiratory disease, pneumonia and depression. It also worsens older people’s arthritis and increases the risk of falls and injuries.iii GP consultations for respiratory infections

  10. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) for the work it delivers through projects such as HOPE and Dementia Advocacy. The QPM is the UK’s only independent quality performance mark for organisations ... express their needs and have increased choice and control in their lives. To gain the QPM, the charity’s work in this area had to undergo a rigorous self-assessment process and policy review followed

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