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  1. Shopping.pdf

    before you leave. 5. Check any packaging is sealed and the temperature of product on delivery e.g. If it’s meant to be frozen, is it still frozen? 6. Recommend that recipients wash shopping wherever possible ... touching it. 7. Remember to wash hands before and after deliveries for at least 20 seconds. 8. When out and about keep a bottle of alcohol hand sanitiser to hand. 9. Face coverings must be worn in all

  2. CRS_Dec15_BIS_switching_principles.pdf

    including:  Digital exclusion – Two thirds (67%) of people aged 75+ do not use the internet. Many miss out on online comparison and switching services, and are excluded from cheaper online products.  Complexity ... those who are ill or live alone, may be deterred from switching for fear of losing an essential service if things go wrong, for example having their phone service cut off. 3 To enable people of all ages who

  3. BT’s Digital Switchover – Q & A

    being switched over without prior notice.  If you believe this has happened to you then contact the complaints line using the numbers below.   If a customer has an old handset that will need replacing ... However, BT provides up to four hours of back up via a battery for some vulnerable people.    What will happen to those people who live in areas with poor broadband?   BT are currently working

  4. IG21.pdf

    Have you been affected by any of the issues in this guide? Has Age UK’s information and advice helped? If so, we’d love to hear from you to provide relatable examples that benefit others. Email your story ... with the help of older people, carers and expert peer reviewers. Published: October 2023 3 Contents What this guide is about Mental capacity 6 Types of power of attorney Lasting power of attorney (LPA)

  5. RB_Summer15_Chief_Economist's_Report.pdf

    Foreword ......................................................................................... 2 What does the July Budget mean for older people? ........................ 3 Overview ................. ... still missing out of £3.7 billion of means-tested benefits to which they are entitled Material deprivation  Over a million pensioners in this country cannot afford to replace a cooker if it breaks down

  6. RB_July15_How to make your Age UK dementia friendly.pdf

    accessible for everyone. We hope that you will be inspired to consider what is possible for people living with dementia and what needs to be put in place in your organisation. Together we can help people ... Suzanne Huggett from Age UK, and contributions from colleagues in Age UK and from local Age UKs. 2 What is in this guide? This guide covers eight areas that need to be considered when thinking about your

  7. RB_May13_bus_services_in_rural_areas.pdf

    Participants in Durham noted that there had been significant recent cuts to their bus services. Buses used to run every half an hour, with an evening bus service and a night bus at 11.35pm, and there were direct routes ... taxis]. It’s as simple as that really.’ Male, 65+, with mobility difficulties, Durham ‘If you get the chance to go out with anything going on in town with my friend I can’t go. Sometimes they have little

  8. Winter 2021 Newsletter v3.pdf

    enter winter many of us are thinking about what the coming months will bring. Colder and shorter days means there are fewer opportunities for us to get out and about and meet others. Outbreaks of Covid ... rates of flu infections are expected to rise as we’ve not been exposed to germs as much as usual. And if those are not challenging enough our energy and food bills are rising due to global shortages in gas

  9. Picking up.pdf

    either electronic or a paper prescription. • Plan ahead where possible to find out when the next prescription is due. If it can be ordered at least seven days beforehand this will help the pharmacist deal ... for at least 20 seconds. 6. When out and about keep a bottle of alcohol hand sanitiser to hand. 7. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing. If you don’t have a tissue, cough and

  10. RB_Sept12_npi_Affordability_Of_Retirement_Housing_In_The_UK.pdf

    for the majority of older people (i.e. those on low to moderate incomes, and with only limited equity if they are owneroccupiers);  whether the availability of retirement housing is in effect restricted ... can afford to access and then remain in retirement housing (including housing with care) especially if their care needs (and costs) increase. 1.2 Retirement housing is available to people aged 55 or 60+;

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