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  1. Gift box appeal wording for the website.docx

    with gifts in our aim to help make this Christmas a little brighter. Christmas can be a lonely time for many older people who have no close family to visit over the festive period, we hope that having a ... gifts - see our suggestions below (list is not exhaustive) Attach a label marking whether your gift is for a male, female or generic Please don't include personal information about yourself. We’ve suggestions

  2. CRS_Sept17_Ofgem_default_tariffs_for_domestic_customers.pdf

    re default tariffs for domestic customers at the end of fixed-term contracts September 2017 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational ... educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Phil Mawhinney Age UK Tavis House

  3. CRS_June16_Ofcom_call_for_evidence_on_broadband_USO.pdf

    2016 Ofcom call for inputs on ‘Designing the broadband universal service obligation’ June 2016 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational ... educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Phil Mawhinney Age UK Tavis House

  4. RB_Dec12_IA_for_Older_People_Evidence_Review_update.pdf

    Information and Advice for Older People Evidence Review This evidence review is part of a series produced by Age UK, in order to provide evidence to underpin decision-making for people involved in commissioning ... Information and Advice for Older People Evidence Review 1 Key messages 3 1 Definitions 4 2 Policy context 7 3 The need for information and advice 14 4 Addressing the need for information and advice

  5. RB_Sept14_Building_an_income_for_retirement.pdf

    Building an income for retirement: approaches to encourage more pension saving A discussion paper by Age UK Using the National Institute of Economic and Social Research’s LINDA model 2 Building ... Building an income for retirement – approaches to encourage more pension saving A discussion paper by Age UK Using the National Institute of Economic and Social Research’s LINDA model September 2014

  6. CRS_June14_Employment_support_for_unemployed_older_people.pdf

    Employment support for unemployed older people Sarah Foster, Jane Colechin, Paul Bivand and Rowan Foster June 2014 Foreword Long-term unemployment, usually defined as being out of work for over a year, ... themselves out of work and have a much more torrid journey through the later part of their working life. For those out of work it can be extremely difficult to get another job. The over 50s typically have longer

  7. 20190830 Together for Mental Health delivery plan consultation response.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Together for Mental Health Delivery Plan 2019-2022 The Welsh Government August 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older ... strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Welsh Government’s consultation on the Together for Mental Health

  8. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_summary.pdf

    Agenda for Later Life 2015: A great place to grow older Executive summary Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We provide services and support ... support at a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations

  9. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    Agenda for Later Life 2015: A great place to grow older Contents Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We provide services and support at a ... a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations. About

  10. v1.3a Determining need for advocacy - revised October 2017.docx

    Determining need for advocacy The decision making process for professionals exercising functions under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.All references are to the Part 10 Code of Practice ... Capacity Act 2005 should be made. This may affect the type of advocacy which it is appropriate to provide for the person (para 60). If a person lacks capacity but falls outside the IMCA criteria, other forms of

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