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  1. Save on water bills

    or who are receiving certain benefits, such as Dŵr Cymru's HelpU tariff. If you have a water meter and you receive certain benefits (e.g. Universal Credit, Housing Benefit, Pension Credit, Income-related ... Independence Payment (PIP). If you get water from Hafren Dyfrdwy, DLA and PIP are listed as qualifying benefits, but not AA.   If you are on the WaterSure scheme, your bill is capped at a lower amount

  2. Dental services for older people

    there’s nothing wrong, it’s still important to visit your dentist regularly. If you’re on certain benefits you can receive free NHS treatment and may also be eligible for help through the NHS low income

  3. HOPE programme documents

    Project A5 flyer volunteers - bilingual Project overview document - bilingual Project referral form Benefits of being a HOPE Independent Volunteer Advocate Infographic 2022-23 Infographic 2021-22 Frequently

  4. What pension options do I have?

    pension pots, based on what best suits your needs. Each option comes with its own set of rules, fees, benefits, risks and tax issues. Deciding what to do with your pension pot can be complicated – there ... carefully . Possible affects on means-tested benefits How you use your pension pot can affect any benefits you currently receive or your eligibility to claim a benefit in the future. This is because withdrawals

  5. Equity release

    that meets your needs, and an independent solicitor, who can explain more about the legal risks and benefits of equity release and represent you if you decide to take out a plan. The upfront fees for setting ... Equity release can affect any benefits you receive, and may have an impact on any benefits that you may become entitled to in the future. If you receive any means-tested benefits, they may be reduced or lost

  6. Basic State Pension (before 2016)

    National Insurance contributions, but this takes into account your earnings and whether you claimed benefits too. You can claim the full Basic State Pension if: you reached State Pension age on or before 5 ... unable to work - for example, if you were caring for a child or disabled person, or claiming certain benefits. If you’re eligible to claim a Basic State Pension, you may also be able to claim an Additional

  7. Glenys Thomas and Shirley Phillips

    LIFT teacher has enriched my life in many ways – Apart from the obvious physical, social and mental benefits, the cementing of old friendships and the creation of new ones is probably the main advantage. My ... have the time, commitment and inclination to do any kind of volunteering then go for it as the benefits are substantial

  8. RB_Jan16_Age_UK_Briefing_Opposition_Day_Debate_Housing.pdf

    briefing: Housing benefit cuts and supported housing January 2016 This briefing has been prepared by Age UK in follow up to Thursday 27th January opposition day debate on Housing benefit cuts and supported ... housing to be exempt from the cap in recognition of the significant social, economic and health benefits provided by these schemes. Over the years we have seen the continued decline of sheltered housing

  9. Income tax

    Compensation Scheme) interest from savings accounts dividends from shares income from lettings some benefits, such as Carer’s Allowance and Statutory Sick Pay income from a trust. You do not have to ... Pensions Scheme and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme lottery or Premium Bond wins industrial injuries benefits Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) some National Savings and Investments products. We all have a

  10. Vic Spears

    to be trained as an instructor and lead a class. I thought this was a great chance to share the benefits of Tai Chi amongst many people, and also to satisfy my desire to ‘give something back’ to society ... have extended my knowledge and skills, and have been able to enjoy sharing physical and social benefits of Tai Chi t an expanding group What do you enjoy most about your volunteering experience? There

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