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  1. IL8.pdf

    Next steps. Apply for an IHT reference number from HMRC online at You’ll need to get this reference number at least 3 weeks before you make a payment ... National network of advice centres offering free, confidential, independent advice, face to face or by telephone. Website offers online information, and you can use it to search the details of your nearest Citizens

  2. Support groups and charities.pdf

    free support and advice, currently available by phone and online. Referal form: Here is the contact telephone number and email address: 0333 150 3456 Dementia.connect@alzheimers

  3. CRS_June14_Freedom_choice_in_pensions.pdf

    charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H ... guidance services such as The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS) and MAS. We would prefer to keep the numbers of guidance providers permitted relatively ‘tight’ since the more different agencies who are permitted

  4. Age Matters - Summer 2023 - Quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru.pdf

    raised with us. You can also read about the help and support we delivered last year, with our year in numbers. Finally, we say goodbye to our colleague Eleri Lloyd Jones and say hello to Caryl Jones at Age ... lonely older people, so it’s challenging the public to match that achievement by completing the same number of steps each day or as near to the target as possible. Age Cymru’s chief executive Victoria Lloyd

  5. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2022.pdf

    Below are the details of the next round of advocacy network meetings which will take place via Zoom or Teams: Cardiff and Vale 2/11/22 9am-10am 7/12/22 9am-10am ... particular emphasis on older people. The report shows an increase in the number of advocates, people supported and the number of services providing advocacy support across Wales over the past two years

  6. IG55.pdf

    good idea to find out the number for your local council. They'll be able to provide a lot of the support and information mentioned in this guide. My local council phone number is: Who this guide is for ... list of important contacts, such as loved ones or carers, by the phone. You can get phones that can be preprogrammed with important numbers which will dial at the press of a button. • Consider getting some

  7. Age Cymru response - Social Prescribing Framework October 2022.pdf

    considers how these multiple disadvantage barriers can be overcome. Consideration is needed on whether telephone services, face to face services or outreach projects – or a combination of all - are the best way ... people aged over 75 do not have broadband access and many older people do not use computers and smart phones.4 As such, older people’s views and others who are not online may well have been missed through the

  8. Supporting people.pdf

    individual construct a one-page summary for any Health/Social care worker needing to visit/have telephone contact, to assist in the future. • Create a plan for the circumstances in which you may not be

  9. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.pdf

    Facebook e Twitter e National newspaper e Local newspaper e WhatsApp e Face to face services e Telephone helpline e Local notice board/community centre e Online search engine (e.g., Google) e I don’t access ... project aimed at assisting people just like you. For more information see carers or phone 0300 303 44 98. 6 C. Employment C1. Which of the following applies to you? (Select any that apply)

  10. Survey Outline Covid 19 v4.docx

    IlivealoneYes No A5. I accesstheinternetYes No If yes, I access theinternet via:Computer Smart Phone Tablet If no, do you think it would have beenhelpfulto have access to theinternet?Yes No Your experiences

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