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  1. Dentistry in Wales - August 2018.pdf

    identified that earlier interventions and a reablement approach to supporting people with dementia, incontinence, podiatry, dental needs, strokes and falls can result in maintaining independence at home and

  2. 20200703 Friends In Need Funding Allocation v4 - website.pdf

    self-care medicines as above. Liaise with professionals to ensure contingency plans for consumables, incontinence aids, medical supplies, oxygen or any other home needs are prepared for. Ensure contact lists

  3. Health services and the NHS policy statement - May 2016[1].pdf

    unacceptable – Local Health Boards should prioritise the promotion of continence and the management of incontinence. The review found that the best examples of excellent care were being delivered in settings where ... bed because of staff shortages. Unfortunately, ‘forced incontinence’ is frequently reported, with people being made to use a commode or incontinence pads rather than being assisted to use the bathroom. We

  4. Phone scams

    not sure how to do this, you could visit your local mobile phone shop for assistance. There are products to block some calls. Some local councils provide call blockers through their trading standards teams

  5. Postal scams

    scheme – if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Pyramid schemes often involve overpriced products of no real value. Disregard any threats. They’re meaningless and intended to scare you into responding

  6. Doorstep scams

    You should always check a seller or trader’s credentials before agreeing to purchase their products or services. Ask for their identity card and check it carefully. Phone the company they represent

  7. Staying safe online

    information too quickly. Health scams False and misleading claims may be made about medical-related products, such as miracle health cures, and fake online pharmacies may offer medicines cheaply. However,

  8. RB_Oct10_Invisible_But_Invaluable_Report.pdf

    situation improves, funding should be increased. Cutting support for carers is inhumane and counter-productive. We want the NHS and health professionals to: • Target carers to register as carers with their ... reduce spending on carers’ services. Cutting funding for support for carers is inhumane and counter-productive. Funding already agreed should be honoured and used for the purpose for which it was intended.

  9. RB_Feb13_Understanding_the_oldest_old_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    Simon Conroy 74 Living long and ageing well: insights from nonagenarians Maeve Rea 78 Know that incontinence is not inevitable James Malone-Lee 80 Provide technology for all Gail Mountain 82 Design for ... change with changing circumstances. The support of skilled professionals is crucial and is more productive when such decisions are approached as a process, rather than as a one-off. Family and friends play

  10. Health services and the NHS policy statement - February 2019.pdf

    unacceptable – Local Health Boards should prioritise the promotion of continence and the management of incontinence. The review found that the best examples of excellent care were being delivered in settings where ... bed because of staff shortages. Unfortunately, ‘forced incontinence’ is frequently reported, with people being made to use a commode or incontinence pads rather than being assisted to use the bathroom. We

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