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  1. Attendance Allowance

    Information about the disability benefit Attendance Allowance, if you're entitled to attendance allowance and how to claim

  2. What to include in your Attendance Allowance application

    Information and advice on how to apply for Attendance Allowance and what to include on the form.

  3. 6 myths about claiming Attendance Allowance

    Is attendance allowance means tested? People often miss out on Attendance Allowance because they mistakenly believe they don’t qualify.

  4. CRS_Sept16_Age_UK's_response_to_DCLG_consultation_including_Attendance_Allowance.pdf

    local government will need to take on new responsibilities and one of those suggested is Attendance Allowance (AA). The paper states ‘As announced in December, the Government will also consider giving ... important to them and that we should place high value on as a society. AA also helps to sustain informal and family care and support for older people, the extent of which vastly outweighs the contribution

  5. Information guides and factsheets

    Our information guides are short and easy to digest and provide an overview of the relevant topic. Our factsheets provide much more in-depth information.  On this page you can view our complete list ... list of resources in numerical order - firstly our information guides, followed by the full range of factsheets. For guides and factsheets that focus on specific subject areas, see our other pages, covering

  6. Disability Living Allowance

    Information about the disability benefit Disability Living Allowance

  7. Jobseeker's Allowance

    Information about the unemployment benefit Jobseeker's Allowance, if you're entitled to Jobseeker's Allowance and how to claim.

  8. Benefits and Entitlements

    Information and advice on all the benefits that you can claim, including pension credit, council tax reduction and carers allowance

  9. RB_Sept16_Attendance_Allownace_ survey_report.pdf

    receive Attendance Allowance September 2016 Introduction The Government is asking for views on transferring support currently provided to disabled older people through Attendance Allowance (AA) to ... disabled older people who need support in the future. So far, the Government has not provided any information about the likely impact of any change. However, academic analysis shows that AA is currently well

  10. Carer's Allowance

    Information about the benefits available to help pay for care in your own home.

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