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  1. FS8.pdf

    so you should seek expert advice before taking any action. You may be able to get help via legal aid if you are receiving certain benefits, or have a low income. “Shelter Cymru has a legal team who can

  2. RB_May14_CPA_Effectiveness_of_care_pathways.pdf

    form of ‘variances’. An Integrated Care Pathway is intended to act as a guide to treatment and an aid to documenting a patient/client’s progress. Clinicians are free to exercise their own professional ... treatment options. 5.ICPs can be effective in supporting decision-making when they incorporate a decision-aide. ; 6.The evidence considered in this review indicates that ICPs may be particularly effective in changing

  3. FS8w.pdf

    so you should seek expert advice before taking any action. You may be able to get help via legal aid if you are receiving certain benefits, or have a low income. “Shelter Cymru has a legal team who can

  4. FS68.pdf

    local Citizens Advice – see section 14 below for contact details. If you’re on a low income, legal aid may be available for challenging a landlord’s ‘possession claim’, meaning you could get free legal ... Factsheet 43 Getting legal and financial advice contains some more information on this topic. Legal aid, or funding for legal advice and representation, is available for mediation, but you must meet eligibility

  5. FS1w.pdf

    Avoiding use of a tumble dryer – £60.  Reducing shower length to 4 minutes shower – £75.  Swap one bath a week for a shower – £17.  Avoiding overfilling the kettle – £37.  Reducing dishwasher use – £17

  6. RB_July15_Researching_Age-Friendly_Communities.pdf

    to the bottom of the stairs)? I also recommend ‘walk-in’ showers even if it means chucking out the bath.” Joan Gem, 71 year old co-researcher “The city centre, in my opinion, is age unfriendly at the moment

  7. Age Cymru - Older people in Wales - facts and statistics 2021.pdf

    More than 60 per cent of people who had some form of hearing difficulty had never tried a hearing aid. 11.6 Musculoskeletal conditions (MSK) MSK conditions are a group of conditions that affect the bones

  8. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    popular options, along with researching family trees, accessing media content such as YouTube or as aid to shopping, e.g. price comparisons. A significant barrier to the continued expansion of internet ... popular options, along with researching family trees, accessing media content such as YouTube or as aid to shopping, e.g. price comparisons. “The other day I was planting raspberries and found out from

  9. RB_Jan15_Promising_approaches-loneliness_and_isolation.pdf

    recently taken on management of the ACE Project (Active, Connected, Engaged Communities), developed by Bath University, which matches lonely older people with older volunteers who find out their interests and

  10. EnvisAGE14_english_web.pdf

    client. Copyright © Care & Repair Cymru. 25 which provides timely adaptations to client’s homes, aiding quicker hospital discharges and improving safety and independence. While home improvements are

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